1993 ford explorer tranny | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1993 ford explorer tranny


January 6, 2015
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Florissant, Missouri
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I was coming to a stop sign and was maybe rolling 2 mph and was putting in park. It made a weird noise then went in park. i wanted to make sure things were ok. It only has 112k on everything. It does sort of go into reverse and overdrive a little harder but shifts perfectly when driving. :JP::exporange:exp::roll:

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Welcome to the forum!

It makes a weird noise going into park while moving because it's not supposed to be moving when it's put in park.
I've accidentally done it before and it's a horrible feeling.
Make sure you're at a complete stop when shifting to and from, reverse or park.

I'm sure your trans is fine. Just take good care of it and don't do that again. :)

My understanding of it is that the parking pawl is spring tensioned and until it actually slides into a grove in a drum on the transmission, it's not engaged. That noise you hear like a grinding, it's not bad but it's not good. I doubt you broke anything but I wouldn't be doing it every day either.

Sweet thank you guys! Makes me happy that i didnt do no damage. By the 14th i should be an elite member.

Just a little more info, the best way I can explain/describe/understand that noise is to say that it's like a drill with a very low setting on the clutch, it rattles because it's slipping and hitting over and over. Not like an impact gun that is imparting force, it's just slipping.

Agreed, it's the parking pawl bouncing as it tries to fit into a groove. It's not good for it but it can handle it a few times.
