1994 Explorer gear selector questions. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 Explorer gear selector questions.


New Member
October 6, 2010
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City, State
Los Angeles
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XL
Just got a 1994 ford explorer, love it. On the dashboard, where it shows which gear you are in there is: Park, Reverse, Neutral, Driver (with a line in the middle of the D), D, 2, 1. i know what P, R, N means, but from the rest when would I need to use these? thank you for your help :)

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Welcome to this forum! Those settings are for low gear. You use those settings while towing up an incline. The D with a line means overdrive. You use that for speeds over 25 miles per hour to save on gas. The engine doesn't have to rev as much.

ohh wow, thanks a lot. Ive been driving around with overdrive on then. Thank you, i really appreciate it. So in stop and go traffic have it in regular D. Highway D (with line)? thanks :D

Your thread was moved into the transmissions section. Leave the overdrive off if you know that you will never go above 25 or 30 MPH, or if you're towing. You could leave it in overdrive if you are doing regular driving. Overdrive is computer controlled.

okay, so let me get this straight, so if I am going speeds over 25 MPH, i want it out of overdrive and into regular D. if I go below 25 MPH put it into OD? also for gears 1 and 2, are for going up steep hills and down hills, correct?

Ok for everyday driving just run it in the overdrive setting. The explorer will use overdrive when needed. When towing use the plain D unless its a light load then the overdrive is ok. The 2 and 1 you wont use much because that is just basically gear 2 and gear 1.

Gas Mileage

What are some changes that I can make to get better MPG? Everything is stock. thanks.
