1994 Ranger 4x4 4.0L missing | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 Ranger 4x4 4.0L missing

...no problem and yes there are 2 sensors..if he read the codes it will tell him which one it is...;)

...since your 94 is wired dif than mine, i can't help on the fuse...:dunno:...but please keep us informed of your project and let's get your ranger ready for the summer fun..:D

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Hi did you find out why your Ranger was missing ? My truck is doing the same thing Please let me know Thanks:confused:

...I believe his problem was the result of a bad o2 sensor...;)

I apologize for taking so long, but I just got my truck back and I am sad to say that it is not fixed. Replaced plugs, wires, cleaned the MAF, replaced sensors, and now the mechanic says he thinks that it is the injectors. He put stuff in their to treat that and he thought it was a little bit better, but it isn't. My father thinks that it is the computer? So... I am not better off yet. I did find out that the fuel I was smelling is coming from a hugh pressure line just under the "rail"? Very small leak, but you can see where there is dirt gathering. As for the speedometer, I have replaced the sensor, the cable, and the gear at the end of the cable. I guess the problem is that the gear in the transmission is not quite meeting the gear on the the cable and that is why the reading bounces all over or doesn't read at all and also is why the cruise control doesn't work. Apparently I also have some wiring messed up because the horn is not working and I cannot get my back passenger side blinker to work :( What a headache! Tbars, I think I have a lemon! I am at the point right now that I don't want to sink any more money in to it as I have yet to see any work like it is suppose to! It still gets me around and when the engine does start hitting it has LOTS of power! Let me know what you all think and I hope gtdad that you don't have the same problems I am!


...No my friend, you have hit the Jackpot of problems..You have a 14 year old vehicle which has acumulated these problems over the years...:D

...A FPR (Fuel Pressure Regulator) sounds like it is in order...:scratch:...Your dad may be correct on the computer, bad grounds will help short the computer...;)
