1995 Explorer 4.0 Cam Position sensor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1995 Explorer 4.0 Cam Position sensor


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April 8, 2024
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Flagstaff AZ
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1995 Explorer 4.0 EB
Just looking for some help/advice. Mom's long retired 1995 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 4.0 has become my project. Has around 65K miles on it and runs ok. Can rev the engine but has bad idle/dies. I know what the problem is, and pulled the code to confirm that it is the camshaft position sensor. Now I am pretty sure that this was worked on before by some shop many many years ago, and I am not sure it has run properly since....I don't have concrete proof either way, dad has passed away and mom cannot remember. I can confirm that the lower intake has been off.

What I am needing help with is that the sensor does appear to be orignal still and I am wondering if the synchronizer was removed and not replaced correctly or if indeed the sensor itself is bad.

I have removed everything up to and including the upper intake plenum.

I did listen for a chirping while running that might indicate the synchronizer is going bad but do not believe I heard it.

I do have a ford shop manual, though I am not a mechanic and not all of it makes sense.

So I guess to start off my questions....do I start by just replacing the sensor or do I just jump in and replace the sensor and synchronizer?

Is it possible for the vehicle to run if the shop used the 75 degrees of the 3.0 instead of the 60 degree of the 4.0 when using the installation tool?

Just looking to get as much info before I go further.

Thank you

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Just looking for some help/advice. Mom's long retired 1995 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 4.0 has become my project. Has around 65K miles on it and runs ok. Can rev the engine but has bad idle/dies. I know what the problem is, and pulled the code to confirm that it is the camshaft position sensor. Now I am pretty sure that this was worked on before by some shop many many years ago, and I am not sure it has run properly since....I don't have concrete proof either way, dad has passed away and mom cannot remember. I can confirm that the lower intake has been off.

What I am needing help with is that the sensor does appear to be orignal still and I am wondering if the synchronizer was removed and not replaced correctly or if indeed the sensor itself is bad.

I have removed everything up to and including the upper intake plenum.

I did listen for a chirping while running that might indicate the synchronizer is going bad but do not believe I heard it.

I do have a ford shop manual, though I am not a mechanic and not all of it makes sense.

So I guess to start off my questions....do I start by just replacing the sensor or do I just jump in and replace the sensor and synchronizer?

Is it possible for the vehicle to run if the shop used the 75 degrees of the 3.0 instead of the 60 degree of the 4.0 when using the installation tool?

Just looking to get as much info before I go further.

Thank you
It should have a Check engine code for the CID.
See below link
CMP-1993 to 1995 ford explorer xlt 4 door Code X (Cam Position Sensor) Cam Synchronizer Replacement.
On the X engine 4.0. You Do not need a alignment tool, because the the alignment marks are ,on the sensor window. Read writeup.

Interesting....I thought the code would only be for the sensor itself. So when I checked the code it was the 214 code for "cylinder identification (CID) circuit failure". So this means both sensor and the synchronizer both have to be replaced? I suppose logic says that you should replace both since you are in there.

I ha
Interesting....I thought the code would only be for the sensor itself. So when I checked the code it was the 214 code for "cylinder identification (CID) circuit failure". So this means both sensor and the synchronizer both have to be replaced? I suppose logic says that you should replace both since you are in there.
had one code, which was for the camshaft position sensor. The sensor and synchronizer are one. In short, it just a indicator That tells the PCM that cylinder one is at top dead center.

Makes sense. Thank you for that.

Can anyone recommend a sensor/synch, I have not been able to find a Ford/Motorcraft one.

Let me know where you bought.

Thank you

Makes sense. Thank you for that.

Can anyone recommend a sensor/synch, I have not been able to find a Ford/Motorcraft one.

Let me know where you bought.

Thank you
Read my writeup. Its in there and procedure to install it

I would recommend you skip trying to install a 95 style sensor with the “sight glass” and instead install the synchro and sensor for a 1996 application
They are way easier to setup and send the exact same signal to your computer

You will need the wiring pigtail so you can wire it in if you go this route

It will Bolt right in

Many members to come before you have successfully used the 96 synchro and sensor
That old sigh glass type was not even available for many moons the aftermarket just now started making them

Link to the 96 version on rockauto

