1995 XLT- Wont start, replaced fuel relay already | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1995 XLT- Wont start, replaced fuel relay already

Mine did something similar last year. It turned out to be a rusted off ground under the frame by the gas tank someplace. I never saw it, the mechanic just told me about it. Look around under there and see if wires look like they are hanging down. I guess it was the ground for the fuel pump.

I have the same problem. Engine will turn over but won't start. I saw your post, and looked under my explorer, and low and behold, my ground is rusted off. I'm going to replace it, but was yours turning over? Getting fuel and spark?

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Engine will crank even if it's not getting fuel. Do you hear the fuel pump prime for a second or 2 when you turn the key to the ON position?

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Real wet heavy snow truck quit at a street corner.started went 30 ft and quit again,I got it towed home just checking to see what can be wrong.36 thousand kl

Try letting the fuel pump prime twice. See if that helps.. Got a couple of questions, when was the last time the fuel filter was replaced. Are you getting pressure at the rail? Have you checked the pressure at the shrader (sp) valve on the fuel rail? How about checking to see if you get spark from the plug wires & from the coil?

This is what I need help with! I have a 91 explorer xlt 4x4 but I don't know where the valve is. Can u post pics showing the location up close and from full view under the hood. I have looked through pages of google images but none looked familiar.

Image please?

The inertia switch is located near the right kick panel in the front passenger compartment. 2 things you need to check... make sure the button isn't pushed up. If it is, push it down to reset it. Also, make sure the the plug is firmly attached to the bottom of the switch. You may have to pull the carpet back a bit to get to it.

You should also check the PCM relay that is next to the fuel pump relay.


Is there any way you can post an image of the location of the switch so that I can be more familiar before I go tampering?


Check and make sure the connection on the bottom of the inertia switch is on tight.

Can u post pics so I can be more familiar before. Tampering? Also a pic of the schrader valve on a 91 explorer xlt 4x4 please?
