1996 explorer slowly losing brake fluid 88 k miles 4.0 ohv | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1996 explorer slowly losing brake fluid 88 k miles 4.0 ohv

eric mentzer

Active Member
December 10, 2017
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1996 XLT 4 door 4wd
Apologize if a repost. My emergency brake light has been coming on, and off. I added a small amount of brake fluid and it goes off for a few days. It keeps coming back, i dont see any visible leaks and i find it hard to believe that its using it up that fast as the pads wear. Anywhere i should look in particular? Another note is that the ABS engages alot when slowing to a stop, ive been told needs a wheel sensor but i just live with it. i have the cruise control brake fluid switch unplugged as i heard that is a recall on these and my cruise doesnt work anyhow. Any tips would be apprecciated? im laid up with an injury buy i can get my relatives or old lady to do the work for me :).

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There is a leak somewhere
Check all of the lines, check the rear wheel cylinders and check the front calipers around the pistons..... check around the master cylinder especially at the red cruise control switch....the fluid has to be going somewhere!! Sometimes the master cylinder will leak into the brake booster side of things, so if all else fails unbolt the master from the booster, pull it out a bit and have a look see
Flashlight is your friend

Pay close attention to the hard line going over the rear axle. They tend to rot out and leak. Also follow the hard line back toward the front of the truck. As said, examine all 4 brake calipers too (this may require removing the wheels to see better). Any sign of wetness will indicate a leak. As 410 said, the master cylinder can leak into the booster. Look for any drip trails down the face of the booster, you can also unbolt the master cylinder and pull it away from the booster far enough to see if there is any leaked fluid on the back of the master cyl or into the booster.

The fluid is disappearing to somewhere, you just haven't found out where. The BRAKE light comes on when the fluid is low and also if the PARKING brake on, but the two conditions are not related.

The cruise control switch (especially the ones with the red plastic centers) can also leak fluid. Sounds like your CC is not working because your switch is bad. Getting the recall done and replacing the switch will likely restore CC function. Ford used to do the recall for free, IDK if they're still doing it. You can also go to the JY and find an Explorer which had the recall done and take the harness/pigtail that Ford installed. It will be attached to the CC switch and will have a large blue label on it, it also has 2 in-line fuses.

Depending on where a leak may be coming from, the wind from driving may blow the leaking fluid away or splatter it further down the car. I was searching for an oil leak and believed it was coming from the oil filter, where there was evidence of fresh oil, when in fact it was coming from front main seal and being blown toward the oil filter.

Apologize if a repost. My emergency brake light has been coming on, and off. I added a small amount of brake fluid and it goes off for a few days. It keeps coming back, i dont see any visible leaks and i find it hard to believe that its using it up that fast as the pads wear. Anywhere i should look in particular? Another note is that the ABS engages alot when slowing to a stop, ive been told needs a wheel sensor but i just live with it. i have the cruise control brake fluid switch unplugged as i heard that is a recall on these and my cruise doesnt work anyhow. Any tips would be apprecciated? im laid up with an injury buy i can get my relatives or old lady to do the work for me :).
Yeah, like others said, and being in PA, your brake line is likely corroded.This is a major safety issue. I think I posted a how to like a decade ago :lol:/ Still holding strong. If your old lady could do this work, all the power to her. Take her to Walmart after and get her an outfit!
It is a real annoying job. All the lines should be replaced.
