1998 XLT DRL module location | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 XLT DRL module location


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December 5, 2023
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1998 Explorer XLT
The daytime running lights have finally started flickering on my '98 XLT. I've read quite a few of the previous posts regarding the location but I'm still not sure where it is or what it looks like. Most of the older threads that had pictures no longer include the pictures. I'm attaching a picture of what I see behind the drivers side headlight. I see nothing that looks like the replacement module.



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I've been looking for a 1999 XLT's DRL module and have been coming up empty as well. Closest thing I could find turned out to be a crash sensor according to the part number on it.

My current theory is that, at least on this particular car, there is no DRL module and the problem I had was the rear view mirror with the auto lamp feature. I "fixed" my problem by cutting the green wire in the wiring that goes to the mirror. Now the headlights actually turn off. No auto lamps though.

I just went out and looked at mine and that wiring loom that crosses the fog light connector and another connector that goes towards the firewall, I don't have that. Maybe its connected to the DRL module?

From everything I've read the '98 has a module. Not sure about the '99. I did read a post or two here about differences between the 98 and 99 which I think is just the wiring. My issue is slightly different than yours because the headlights work as expected. It's just that with the headlights off, the drl's flicker on and off. People think I'm flashing my lights at them. I can hear a relay clicking on and off and the interior lights also switch brightness with it. Kind of stumped at this point.

Have you downloaded the factory service manual? It has step by step troubleshooting for a lot of things. Not sure if it will be of help here.

I'd definitely chase down that wiring that goes towards the drivers side. That would be my next move. You might find the module attached to it. In the videos and pics I've seen the wiring would right in that area.

If you don't find a module.. I'd try unplugging the mirror's wiring connector if you have the autolamp setup. It has the ability to turn lights on and off. Then I'd look into the dimmer since it runs a bunch of stuff through it and you said there was an issue with the interior lights too. Then maybe a bad ground wire.

These videos aren't the greatest and they aren't the exact year/version of the car but maybe they will help a little.

(Video of where the module was on his car)

(talking about disconnecting the autolamp)

My workshop manual states for a '99:

Daytime Running Lamps (DRL)​
The daytime running lamps (DRL) system consists of a DRL module that is located behind the front bumper and is mounted to the radiator support.​

Oddly, same workshop manual, on the same/equivalent link for a '98, has more info and a picture. It does not list a fault where it flickers, so I'd wonder first about wiring and connector corrosion. The whole 2nd gen workshop manual this came from, is linked below in my sig, and there is a forum topic/posts about it.


Thanks for the links to the manuals and wiring diagrams! Based on the diagrams, it does seem like the 8 wire(greens, red, white, ect.) connector in my picture is for the DRL module. I'll have time over the weekend to see what I can figure out.

Sorry guys for not responding as I said I would. Lots of distractions lately. Anyway, it looks to me like my DRL module matches what the Helms manual shows for a '99. The picture that J_C posted for a '98 doesn't match what I see(first picture in the post). I did end of resolving the flickering which was caused by the autolamp switch on the mirror. A little contact cleaner resolved that. With the autolamps turned off, I still have no DRL's. I verified it's not relay related. At this point I'm not going to look any further. I can just turn the headlights on manually if I want.


The 49-state 1998 explorers did not come with DLR. The 1998 Canadian Explorers did have them. Since I see you are from California, the 1998 California explorers might have had them do to some California Car requirement. I seem to remember that the wires were there for the DLR light on the US 1998's and some people added them, but I believe they had to get a module from Canada to do it.

^ Yeah it could be useful to look that up, whether CA had that requirement. I know my '98 XLT does not have DRL, which if there is no module found on smd's vehicle, makes me wonder if it was just the autolamps mirror slider all by itself. Mine has gotten flaky over time, moving it back and forth in warm weather seemed to help, maybe pushed some hardened grease out of the way so friction scrubbed the contacts more or something... it's still not perfect.

That's interesting to hear the '98 didn't have DRL's in the US. I'm the original owner and don't recall if I ever had them or not. The relays are there as is what appears the wiring harness but maybe that was in case it ended up in Canada. I just checked the owner's manual and it says "If Installed". Mystery solved, I guess!

^ Yeah it could be useful to look that up, whether CA had that requirement. I know my '98 XLT does not have DRL, which if there is no module found on smd's vehicle, makes me wonder if it was just the autolamps mirror slider all by itself. Mine has gotten flaky over time, moving it back and forth in warm weather seemed to help, maybe pushed some hardened grease out of the way so friction scrubbed the contacts more or something... it's still not perfect.
yep I had to just give up using my autolamp for the issues you mention

That's interesting to hear the '98 didn't have DRL's in the US. I'm the original owner and don't recall if I ever had them or not. The relays are there as is what appears the wiring harness but maybe that was in case it ended up in Canada. I just checked the owner's manual and it says "If Installed". Mystery solved, I guess!
yep, I'm the original owner for mine as well. 1998 is during when US cars first started using DLR lights. I am sure that mine never had them, I've been on Ford Explore groups since I bought my 1994 Explorer and when I traded that in for the 98, I remember seeing people on the groups pointing out that since Canada had them and the US cars were wired for them it was not difficult to add DLR lights. I had thought about it but never did. I'm sure if you searched enough you could find the instructions to add them and it might be just as simple as getting the canadian module and plugging it in.
