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1st gen limited parts

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Does the bumper have foglights? Willing to sell and ship them?

I need to check the price of shipping and then I'll get in touch with ya.

But you're only like 3 hours away so I don't think it will be too crazy.

Alright sounds good just let me know.


I need a rear bumper, I could pick it up in a week or so, I live in Alabama, If the front bumper falls through I can take that too. What color are they ?


I need a rear bumper, I could pick it up in a week or so, I live in Alabama, If the front bumper falls through I can take that too. What color are they ?


I'm not wantin the whole bumper just the fog lights out of it

I'm not wantin the whole bumper just the fog lights out of it

Mine are broken too, but my rear bumper is severely messed up thanks to a tree


Email and PM's sent

I will pick this up
