2000 ford explorer rear door replacment | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 ford explorer rear door replacment


Active Member
October 24, 2014
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City, State
Blaine, Mn
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 mercury mountaineer
2000 for explorer Eddie Bauer. I slid off my friend's narrow driveway into a small tree that was big enough to mess up my reardoor. or hatchback or tailgate. I don't know the proper name.
I am trying to find a replacement. my question is; For what years are the parts interchangeable?


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Are you sure you didn’t bend the roof too?

I did not. It does appear that way in the photo. but as far as I can tell I didn't

98-01 Explorer and Mountaineer
If you can find the same paint code it will be closer to 99-01 trucks. The drivers door sticker has the paint code, see if you can match it
The truck you wrecked is a eddie, you can take the eddie bauer tan strip and logo off of his tailgate and transfer to the new, so see if you do not find an eddie bauer it will still transfer over.

You can also use the gate off a slightly newer Sport.

Thank you so much for all your helpful replies. I believe I have located one. Now I have to figure out how to perform the actual repair !

98-01 2 door or 4 door.

I did not. It does appear that way in the photo. but as far as I can tell I didn't
I am pretty sure (although not positive) you have.
It looks to me like the hinges are pulled together.
Fortunately, it should be a relatively easy fix.
If you can get your hands on a port-a-power that would be ideal.

If you can, get the hinges with the donor hatch also...

98-01 2 or 4 door, match the color and trim if you're lucky and go ahead. Get the hinges too, you'll want those. I don't think you bent the roof, I don't see much evidence of that, but it'll show when you hang the new hatch if you did. Also, take two people to get the replacement, they weigh a ton.

OK I got the replacement. and of course now my freaking door wouldn't open. The latch is rusted out and sometimes the inside linkage aligns sometimes it don't (or whatever it is) from the inside? I suppose I will have to take it apart. Anyway. now I have to get someone who has a big enough vehicle to transport it for me. But I did buy it. baby steps.


hinges too ? ok I saw the earlier post. it appears that they are pulled together ? I am going to take another photo

Should be able to make it fit in the Explorer somehow. I bought one at a scrap yard and got it home.

The hinges got pulled together when the glass broke, most likely. If the roof is tweaked there’s not much worth doing, anyways.

hinges too ? ok I saw the earlier post. it appears that they are pulled together ? I am going to take another photo

I meant get the main hatch hinges, but the glass ones are always good to have for spares...

If you have hinges on the new gate, simply measure from the hinge stud to hinge stud and compare it to the holes in the roof trough.
Make sure you pull the tape measure TIGHT making both measurements.

Like I said if it is off it is not off by much. I usually use three people when doing a gate swap. Install the gate with either the latches removed or the strikers. It will be TONS easier to align that way.
Also, make sure you are getting adequate seal when the new gate is on. Take a piece of notebook paper and cut a three-inch strip lengthwise. Close it in the seal every few inches and pull. There should be *some* resistance but not a lot. If the paper moves freely something is still wrong.

The replacement does have the hinges. I am in Minnesota. We are in the midst of some crazy cold weather. So I am putting the job off until this weekend. It is supposed to warm up to 30s and 40s. woo woo. Inside a garage that will be tolerable. I do have a former auto body man to help me with this on sunday. I will post photos and keep you all informed. But for now, once again, Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your insight. In these days of crazy social media and political arguing, this forum restores a little faith in mankind.

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Well fellas . We got it done. It fits great and lines up good. Thanks again for all your help

