2002 Explorer with a transmission problem. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 Explorer with a transmission problem.

explorer mania

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January 28, 2011
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Hello all glad to have found this site .need help i have a 2002 explorer with trans problem 5r55w.trans will not shift from 1-2 driving normal ,but if i let off the gas for a second at 20 mph it will shift fine. 2-3 gear fine 3-4 gear fine also overdrive seems only to kick in if i let off the gas completely. Check engine light is on code is p0757 solenoid b stuck on also o/d light flashing .im leaning towards changing the solenoid pack but not sure if that is the problem also tranny does not slip or make any odd noises. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated .thanks for reading

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You sure its not code P0775? According to my ford shop manual P0757 is not a valid code. Sounds like you have either broken band or servo piston.

hello and thanks for the reply you were correct on the code i had it rechecked and it was p0775 i have heard of the servo pin seal problems which i would not be willing to tear into due to lack of trans experience do you no the correct procedure for testing the solenoid pack without damaging them dont wanna use the wrong voltage any help would be great have a great day and thanks

Its not going to be the solenoid pack, when there is a hydraulic internal failure it will set this code once it raises pressure all the way up to make shift happen. If no shift occurs it wil set this code along with p0732 and p0735. Some code readers will not give you all the transmission codes.

you are right again because i have taken to trans shop and they told me i had three codes shift solenoid b,2nd gear incorrect ratio and 5th gear incorrect ratio do you think it is the 2-5 servo ? and would that be a job that someone without alot of transmission experience should attempt or should i leave that to a pro they gave me a price of 1200 to fix they didnt specify the exact problem

Welcome to this forum! I've moved your thread into the transmissions section. The easiest way to check the band to see if it's broken is to adjust it. The next step is to drop the pan, and check for broken band parts.

hello and thanks for reply adjusted bands to specs so i guess they are not broken took to another tranny shop for a free scan and they said its most likely the o/d servo bore wore and losing pressure my question is can i just remove servo and inspect the bore or does the tranny need to be taken apart and also if the servo bore is wore how much does disasembly does that require thanks

The transmission has to be removed in order to fix the servo bores. The alternative is to get those new servos with the O ring on the shaft. This fix is easier since it could be done while the transmission is still in the vehicle.
