2002+ Offroading Photos Wanted | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002+ Offroading Photos Wanted

HAHA!!, yeah, I'm sure they had to twist your arm real hard to get jammed in a mud hole ;)

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yea, 4 other people in the truck, I couldnt let them down.

Well, did the 3 sticking out the window at least get nice and muddy for the crowd? :party:

oh yea, after I got pulled out, everyone was throwing mud at each other, I got muddy when I forgot to roll up the window when I was trying to get pulled out. lol then one kid fell on their ass right in someones rut. it was great!

Wow, everyone thought I was nuts for taking my truck on Black Bear Pass. All that is is a few rocks here and there with one big drop off if you get stupid. I personally believe mud is a lot harder on a vehicle than bouncing over rocks. That Explorer is way to nice to drive through that mess. Have fun cleaning it out of everywhere. At least you had someone along to pull you out . . . even if it was a Chevy.:thumbdwn:

HAHA, I'm not gonna have anything near me tomorrow, so how quick do you guys think you could get to New Brunswick if I get stuck? ;)

RoadBully, I think I could be there in 48 hrs. You better pack a lunch. . . and TP.:D

LOL, I'll make sure to bring some supplies just incase. ;)

The sad thing is, that it took 2 chevys to pull me out. How terrible is that?

time to put on a winch

yea, i was thinking about that. I found a center grill guard with the winch mount setup to it but my money situation is kind of tight so I have to spend wisely.


how do you like those GEOLANDER TIRES your rockin ???

havent bought tires yet, because im a stickler on the up keep of my X " good habit i guess "... i spent some of my tire money on a complete fresh tune up

let me know what you think...


..:scratch:...You would have to ask SDVike as I only took pics of his truck...;)

SDVike - what do you think of those GEOLANDER TIRES ?????

any pics of mounties off road?? All you guys and your 4Lo are making me sad :(.

that mounty sure is purdy !!! very nice:thumbsup:

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i bet im one of the few on here that still does a little off roading even with the 20s

can someone fix these haha idk why they keep coming up sideways
