2002 Pontiac Montana Fuel Injectors not pulsing on startup | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 Pontiac Montana Fuel Injectors not pulsing on startup

Blacksheep Josh

July 31, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Statesboro, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Ford Ranger, RIP 93 X
Basically we're having trouble getting the engine to turn over and start on it's own. We used a Tech 2 scanner and pulsed the injectors ourselves and it started, but we can't figure out why it won't do it on it's own. Any thoughts?

Is it the same as the chevy venture? If so ck right under the driver seat area under the car. There is a connector that plugs into the floor. The wiring pins get corroded and terminals spread causing fuel and ground issues. Hope this helps, had a couple of used cars do this.
