2003 overdrive band | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 overdrive band


New Member
March 9, 2011
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grand rapids, mi
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 xlt v8
I have been through the threads for two days hoping not to replicate and also looking for information. Overdrive light started blinking and I noticed that I was missing gears 2 and 5. Brought to the transmission shop and they confimed with the computer. They told me that it was probably the band and the servos which I have confirmed by looking at the very informative posts on this site.
My question is, is there a way to check the band (whether it is broken or not) without removing the transmission. Transmission shop is going to charge me $3500 to make repairs is this reasonable.

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thank you for your prompt response i have noticed that you seem to know alot about this particular problem and i appreciate the knowledge that you have brought to this forum. Will the bolt keep going in without getting any tension on the torque wrench and what is proper torque setting, i think i read on one of the posts that it is 100 in/lbs does that sound right

Thanks alot for the help I am sure I will need more before its all over

Bands dont usually break on 2003, it is probably the servo piston.

I think I have done my homework and have found that it is more than likely that it is the servo, and I have read metrix post on the replacement procedure however, i am concerned about loosing the apply strut in the process. It sounds like metrix got lucky and trust me if it wasnt for bad luck I would have no luck at all. Is there any procedure to ensure that they dont fall off?

Just finished doing the band adjustment and it seemed as though I had to run the adjusting bolt in 3/8 of a inch from its original position to finally get to 120 in/lbs does that seem normal?
