2005 Ford Explorer - Eddie Bauer (Ipod Hook Up) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2005 Ford Explorer - Eddie Bauer (Ipod Hook Up)


Well-Known Member
November 30, 2000
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Rockville, Maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Eddie Bauer
So I have been researching this for the last few days, and I really need your help. I just replaced my 95 X with the following:

- 2005 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer Edition.
- It has the "Audiophile Satellite Compatible AM/FM Stereo In Dash Six Cd Radio."
- I assume that this also comes with a subwoofer in the back.
- It also has the factory DVD player.
- I Do Not have a satellite radio hooked up.
- It does not have the "Comp" or "Shuffle" buttons on the radio.

At this time I am not interested in replacing the amp/sub/speakers. I just wanted to get the IPOD directly connected in my new car without replacing the head unit.

I have been looking over the message boards for the last few hours, and I found a ton of helpful info, but I couldn't really find the exact answer that I needed. Maybe someone could point me in the right direction.

I would really like to do this myself if anyone has any advice. I went to crutchfield and talked to an advisor but it won't work on my car since I don't have the Comp or Shuffle button. I have also called Trick Trucks and Myer Emco. Quotes are around $300+. I was going to call a store called Tweeter, and the Ford Dealership as a last resort.

How many pins is my radio? 16 vs. 20? Please help. Thank you!


Will either of these work? The ebay one sounds perfect??



This was the main website for this car, but don't know exactly what I need.

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There are a ton of options for you...especially if you have the SAT button. Sounds like your radio is not MP3 capable though. But that's ok. Go to this website:


Then look up uPAC-FRD24. That should fix you up. It will also allow you to keep your DVD player. Many don't. It utilizes Phase II (Gray) plugs which is what you should have. That would be 8, 16, 24 pin plugs. The 20 pin you talk about is the old World plugs (black) and are 8,16 and 20 pin. You shouldn't have that on a 2005...but I've seen stranger things in the past.

Thank you very much! And, you are right...My head unit with Ford is not Mp3capable.

I will check out that website, and see if I can find the details of where to order, etc.

I really appreciate your help. Has anyone used this specific model and is it difficult to install? How does it sound?



There are a ton of options for you...especially if you have the SAT button. Sounds like your radio is not MP3 capable though. But that's ok. Go to this website:


Then look up uPAC-FRD24. That should fix you up. It will also allow you to keep your DVD player. Many don't. It utilizes Phase II (Gray) plugs which is what you should have. That would be 8, 16, 24 pin plugs. The 20 pin you talk about is the old World plugs (black) and are 8,16 and 20 pin. You shouldn't have that on a 2005...but I've seen stranger things in the past.

Thanks for the info. I called PAC today and they said that this would only work in a 2006-2008. So I don't think that it will work in my 2005. Any other ideas?

Did you ever solve this? Im looking at buying an 05, and everything I read online says this is the one year where nothing will work! ugh! The one I'm looking at has CD/AUX in upper left, and appears to be SAT compatible....

I never got it figured out. I had a factory DVD player that was for the backseat. At the top of the DVD player it had audio/video cables (red, white, yellow).

I was able to run the wires from the DVD player through the ceiling, down the seat belt, and under the mat. The wire go behind the glove box and back out under the console where I plug my Ipod in.

It was a lot of wiring but all the wires are hidden and it looks good. Unfortunately, I don't think that any of the adapters work in a 2005. At least that is what I gathered through my research.

It will also allow you to keep your DVD player. Many don't.

I just bought a DVD deck for my X, looking at the back of the stock HU i see 3 plugs, but the all the wiring harnesses come only with 2 plugs. Is this because third harness/plug is the roof DVD? any way to connect that to the new Deck?
