2021 Explorer replace regular rear view mirror with self dimming type | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2021 Explorer replace regular rear view mirror with self dimming type


New Member
March 28, 2021
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Somerset, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2021 Ford Explorer XLT
I am reposting this since my first post was to the new members forum which apparently does not get much attention for a specific issue.
My new 2021 Explorer XLT came with the manual flipper inner rear view mirror. I purchased an autodim (electrochromic) part from Ford and I need instructions on how to remove the old mirror assembly from the windshield button and how to remove the rain sensor cover and the overhead console in order to route and connect the new cable.

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Personally, I'd let a Ford dealer do the install. Inexpensive insurance. If you do it and fry the electronics, good luck getting it repaired under warranty. JMHO .............

Welcome to the Forum Henry. :wave:


Personally, I'd let a Ford dealer do the install. Inexpensive insurance. If you do it and fry the electronics, good luck getting it repaired under warranty. JMHO .............
The dealer does not want to perform the replacement. They claim the wiring harness in my Explorer (equipped with the manual mirror) does not support the auto dimming mirror electronics. I don't believe them so I am trying to do the replacement myself.

Before you tear it up, why not inquire of a different dealer ? Or, even a third. If they as well turn thumbs down, you have your answer.

Good idea. Or maybe an auto body shop. Thanks.

When I had my Mustang I replaced the manual mirror with one that had auto dimming, compass, Homelink, etc. I had to pop off some trim to run the power wire down to the fuse panel, since the old mirror did not need power, but other than that it was a simple update.

At that time Ford sold the upgraded mirror as an official dealer-installed option, so the directions were relatively easy to follow. Maybe they have given up on that idea. It also seems like the new OEM harnesses for the mirrors are six pin and they implement multiple features. I believe all the electronic mirrors are still made by two manufacturers (Gentex and one other company).

Getting the original mirror off the windshield required pressing a release exactly the right way, and I found a few horror stories about folks who just tried to pry it off. I don't remember exactly how the release worked, but it was simple if you had the right directions.


...so I am trying to do the replacement myself.
Welcome Henry, me myself here a newbie😀.
Make sure to run a bigger gage wire for future potential installs like a dash-cam or something else.

I am reposting this since my first post was to the new members forum which apparently does not get much attention for a specific issue.
My new 2021 Explorer XLT came with the manual flipper inner rear view mirror. I purchased an autodim (electrochromic) part from Ford and I need instructions on how to remove the old mirror assembly from the windshield button and how to remove the rain sensor cover and the overhead console in order to route and connect the new cable.
Hey Henry did you ever get this installed? I have an XLT and would love an auto dimming mirror so I wanted to install it just as you. Did the harness plug right into something up there or did you have to do more specific wiring?

Hey Henry did you ever get this installed? I have an XLT and would love an auto dimming mirror so I wanted to install it just as you. Did the harness plug right into something up there or did you have to do more specific wiring?
I have not gotten any replies on the forum yet, so I have not yet tried it. There is a video at but it uses a non-Ford dimming mirror and so the connectors do not match and some electrical soldering is done. In this Bronco video: Accessing the panel above the rearview mirror it shows a view of the uncovered rain sensor panel and it shows a place where "Autodimming mirror plugs in here" which means the OEM dimming mirror would plug in there and I do not have to remove the overhead console cover at all, and there are no electrical wiring changes.

I have not gotten any replies on the forum yet, so I have not yet tried it. There is a video at but it uses a non-Ford dimming mirror and so the connectors do not match and some electrical soldering is done. In this Bronco video: Accessing the panel above the rearview mirror it shows a view of the uncovered rain sensor panel and it shows a place where "Autodimming mirror plugs in here" which means the OEM dimming mirror would plug in there and I do not have to remove the overhead console cover at all, and there are no electrical wiring changes.

Nice thank you for the reply! I'm going to try it out and I'll report back!

Update: I removed the rain sensor cover. There is no connector at that location to plug in the auto dim mirror cable. The cable attached to the OEM auto dim mirror appears to be too short to stretch through the rain sensor area and into the overhead console so there is no point in removing the console cover also. I wonder where the auto dim cable is supposed to plug into, on a car that is equipped with it from the factory.

Update: I removed the rain sensor cover. There is no connector at that location to plug in the auto dim mirror cable. The cable attached to the OEM auto dim mirror appears to be too short to stretch through the rain sensor area and into the overhead console so there is no point in removing the console cover also. I wonder where the auto dim cable is supposed to plug into, on a car that is equipped with it from the factory.
picture of overhead console dropped down:

The auto dimming cable is the one on the right, if I'm seeing all the pictures correctly. The three cables that go to the windshield rain sensor area are part of the same harness that connects to the overhead console. I would drop the console to see if maybe the plug is there. Otherwise there seems to be a difference between the harness/connectors of the vehicles with lane-keeping and those without, that both have the auto-dimming mirror.

the auto dimming mirrors just use power and ground iirc if the proper harness isnt present.
