255/55/18-Opinions on best bang for buck? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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255/55/18-Opinions on best bang for buck?

I just got off of tirerack.com, and looking at all of the reviews i noticed that pirelli scorpion zeros and khumo ecsta's were some of the cheapest. Matter fact the khumo's were $101, and the pirellis were something like $140.

I was just seeing which of these or even others (to keep the options open) you all prefer, and why? I am only concerned with tread wear coming from 50,000 mile warranty on my revo's, and more or less traction ratings.

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I bought Khumos Ecstas last summer and they were great and cheap too! They were great until the snow arrived then they became useless. I would get stuck on an inch of snow! Driving during a heavy snow storm was down right scary! My wife has been telling me over and over that its scary to drive it with them tires but I wouldn't listen. I thought it was just her driving :D until one day we decided to switch trucks during a snowstorm and she was right. Damn things are useless on snow! I would turn the wheels to the left slightly to change lanes and it would still keep going straight. If I had to do it over I would spend extra to get something else. Go for those Pirellis!


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Check www.tires.com I got my Falken Ziex 255/55r18's from there. Rain, snow, dry they are great!

Thanks boomin for the extra web sites, but unfortunately i was looking more for opinions on what had better wear. I know that i can read surveys and results on those sites but it might not be off an explorer, they might be on some corvette or something.

If i could get tire recommendations on how many miles you got out of the tire that would be great. I also do realize of course that a "lower" profile tire is not going to last as long as most regular A/T tires but i would love to find something comparable now for when the time comes. Thanks

nitto 404s without a doubt, and i used em all winter too

Hey i just hit 500 posts!!! :chug: Bout time, i've been a member long enough...

The higher the treadwear number (ie: 420 like the nitto's, or 460 like the falken's) the better correct?
