3.0 Ecoboost oil check procedure | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3.0 Ecoboost oil check procedure

Cobra Jet

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April 11, 2006
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2004 XLS
Guidance to use for when checking engine oil level on a 2020 Explorer with the 3.0 Ecoboost:



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Isn't that the standard procedure that has been in place for years on all engines? The only level check when the engine was hot was the transmission.


Isn't that the standard procedure that has been in place for years on all engines? The only level check when the engine was hot was the transmission.


Because the 3.0 is basically the 2.7 (Both are Nano, with CGI blocks), the 2.7's oil check procedures were stressed to wait at least 5-15 minutes due to the way the pan was designed. It was always designed for auto stop-start but wasn't implemented right away. However, most dealerships WILL overfill the 2.7 EcoBoost with an oil change, so I imagine they will do the same for your 3.0 EcoBoost engines. But you're right Peter, the rule of thumb for ages was to wait awhile before checking the oil level. I did that with every car I've owned, so it was common sense to me. But in the case of the Nano engines, it is even more important.

kindof funny they have to say this. being a longitudinal mount with the dipstick back near the firewall, it's a pretty hot spot to reach down into, so i've already been avoiding checking it immediately after driving. definitely easier to check transverse engines with the dipstick in the front when they are hot.

kindof funny they have to say this. being a longitudinal mount with the dipstick back near the firewall, it's a pretty hot spot to reach down into, so i've already been avoiding checking it immediately after driving. definitely easier to check transverse engines with the dipstick in the front when they are hot.

It doesnt say to check it when it is hot. It says to drain the oil with it hot.

You can check it cold or after waiting 15 minutes after shutting it off.

It doesnt say to check it when it is hot. It says to drain the oil with it hot.

You can check it cold or after waiting 15 minutes after shutting it off.

my point is that most people are already going to wait 15 mins for it to cool off before checking because the location of the dipstick gets so hot. you'd have to be really motivated to get in there without letting it cool first.

my point is that most people are already going to wait 15 mins for it to cool off before checking because the location of the dipstick gets so hot. you'd have to be really motivated to get in there without letting it cool first.
Dealerships and 10 minute oil change places. Guaranteed. Overfilling the 2.7 is very common when changes are handled by the above establishments
