3.0L Ford Vulcan Engine | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3.0L Ford Vulcan Engine


Elite Explorer
May 4, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Metairie, Louisiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT 5.0
Anyone know if they ever made a METAL Right Side Valve Cover for the 3.0 Liter Vulcan Engine?

We have my son's Taurus pulled down for a bad head gasket and we were thinking about powder coating the valve covers.

Left side is metal. No Problem.

Right side is plastic so I don't think it can be powder coated.


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Yeah, the plastic won’t bake very well. Wonder why the releasing behind the two different materials.

What other reason in mass production.

Cut Cost.

Save $2.00 on 100K engines and it adds up.

Sure, but why the metal one?

Coil pack mounts there on top of the metal one. Also has the oil filler tube.
