3" body lift on 97 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3" body lift on 97


Well-Known Member
September 11, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Salina, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Sport 4x4
I am looking to get a 3" body lift for my 97 sport and I would like to know if it would be better to get the kit for a 91-94 explorer or the one for a 98-00 ranger and what extras I would need to get with either kit. Like longer bolts or anything.

This topic has been discussed at GGGGGRRREEEEAAAATTTTTT length, do a search for it, and I know you will find your answer. Or you can go to http://www.globe-xplorer.com , click on body lifts, and there is a Q&A link at the bottom of the page that covers these questions.
Hope this help,
