302 is an '99 Explorer Sport? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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302 is an '99 Explorer Sport?


Well-Known Member
August 10, 2000
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Bayside, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer Sport
Ok, I have this crazy idea... I'm seriously considering putting a 302 in to my '99 Explorer Sport. Has anyone done this already? I know, I'll need to chage the tranny, drivetrain, computer harness, torsion bars, etc... Any advice or ideas?


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yes...it is TOO hard....dont do it.


cool idea, but seems too hard. if youre looking for more power, explorer express is suppossedly coming out with a supercharger for us SOHC guys by the end of this summer. you might wanna look into that.

Well, here's what I was thinking... get a wrecked V8 Explorer from the junk yard and use it for parts. I can use almost everything except the frame and driveshaft. I'll have the driveshaft custom made. I might talk my friend over at MM&FF to help and maybe get it in the magazine.


I think it would be really hard, but if you have the time and money it would be a really cool thing to do. A first on this board I believe.

Originally posted by jimabena74
yes...it is TOO hard....dont do it.

Oh yeah? How hard was it to do yours?

I really hate these sorts of comments. Why would you say something like this unless you have already done it? All the people who have swapped running gear like this always chime in whenever there is a question, so you know its not "TOO" hard. Its just a task that takes time. I swapped out my engine on my old truck. If I listened to comments like this I would've never done it for fear of it being "TOO" hard. Life can be "TOO" hard at times but that doesn't mean we don't live right?

Off my soap box.

ok ryan.......What i meant was it appears to be very difficult .and not worth the trouble...but then there are those who say its easy...so i cant win with everybody...no one would ever be completely happy all of the time. it isnt human...if it were, i would be out of a job......

Originally posted by jimabena74
ok ryan.......What i meant was it appears to be very difficult .and not worth the trouble...but then there are those who say its easy...so i cant win with everybody...no one would ever be completely happy all of the time. it isnt human...if it were, i would be out of a job......

I didn't hear anyone say it would be easy. Heck its going to be somewhat difficult to remove one engine and slap another in. I would say its well worth the trouble! Heck for the MPG increase when you do a swap like this and the power increase heck yeah!

WillieChu: I say do what YOU want to do. Check out the conversion forum, there are a number of folks that are/have done this swap so I would say read those threads and just get as much info as you can before you decide one way or another.

Hey guys, thanks for the response. I'm still considering it. I'll check the other foums.
