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KSE- Nice! Keep us updated on how it all holds up. How are you applying?

I'm just using a Ryobi sander and taking everything off that way to make it quick and using like 80grit/grain/whatever sandpaper on that. That takes all paint off and roughs up the surface pretty easy. Then I'm using an air compressor to blow off all big stuff. Then using acetone to clean and prep.
For painting I'm just using the tools they provided. The roller works really well. I'm gonna be using a different brush today but it was just a cheap one, nothing special about it.

Also your signature is amazing. That's exactly how I feel about half the stuff I do to my truck. I got this huge smile when I saw that. I busted out laughing, told my girlfriend and she was like that's totally you >_> xD

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Opinions anyone?

Im ready for the haters here :p:

very interesting. unique as well. I like it

i say go for it i like it:thumbsup:

Its the Raptor digital mud decal cut up a little bit. I've always been curious how well it would look, and its actually pretty good looking with my set-up.

I really like it. Much better than than the Raptor grille idea that was bouncing around here a couple months ago..... Both sides, right?

I really like it. Much better than than the Raptor grille idea that was bouncing around here a couple months ago..... Both sides, right?

Of course I'll be doing both sides. lol.

Don't mean to "spam with photos" but here's the more official version I am going to use.

If anyone wants the file for this after I get it done, I'll be glad to send it your way via email.



So yesterday I started to get ready to do the rest of the truck. Now I live in the great sunshine state of Florida, and after 5 minutes this is what it looked like....
So I thought I was totally gonna be screwed since we had 85% chance of rain.
But I guess God or Mother Nature or someone loves Explorers because it barely even sprinkled on me for 5 minutes when sanding and then cleared up.

So I taped everything off because I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to take the pieces off and I didn't feel like waiting to find out :p
Got it all sanded down and boy does it look ugly lol

Got the old bumper off and ready to put the new one on.

Successfully got that back on.]

Grille guard back on and looking pretty good if I do say so myself.

And now all the trim done. Can't wait til later today to see how it all pulls together since by the time I got the tape off it was about pitch black outside lol.
Sorry for the long post, just figured the explorer deserved it after all my punishment to it :p

Don't mean to "spam with photos" but here's the more official version I am going to use.

If anyone wants the file for this after I get it done, I'll be glad to send it your way via email.


Very cool... I like it :thumbsup:

For somebody who is always on the verge of getting rid of his truck you have been doing some cool mods lately :D

For somebody who is always on the verge of getting rid of his truck you have been doing some cool mods lately :D
Got that right. I kinda wish mine was something other than black so I could pull this off. It's only been a couple of hours and it's already grown on me....

Can't wait til later today to see how it all pulls together since by the time I got the tape off it was about pitch black outside lol.

Looking forward to seeing how it turns out. You used Herculiner, right? Does that give it a rubbery texture?

Also can you take a picture of where it meets where you taped it off? I'm interested to see if it's going to want to start peeling.

I hear you on the Florida weather too man. Everytime I want to go do something it rains JUST enough to screw up my schedule. I start off really excited and then:splat:

Looking forward to seeing how it turns out. You used Herculiner, right? Does that give it a rubbery texture?

Also can you take a picture of where it meets where you taped it off? I'm interested to see if it's going to want to start peeling.

I hear you on the Florida weather too man. Everytime I want to go do something it rains JUST enough to screw up my schedule. I start off really excited and then:splat:

Yeah it was Herculiner. Just bought the kit so I could have the whole gallon of material. It doesn't seem like it will have a problem peeling off.

The whole gallon of it was more than enough to do the whole front bumper and all of the trim pieces. So if I had to I could go back and touch some stuff up.

I'm on my lunch break (yes lunch break at 7:30am >_>) and the truck is still pretty dirty from sanding and whatnot so later today I will clean her up and take some pictures so you guys can see the final outcome. But it does look pretty damn sexy if I do say so myself.

Very cool... I like it :thumbsup:

For somebody who is always on the verge of getting rid of his truck you have been doing some cool mods lately :D

Well the only reason I have been thinking about selling is my neighbors have these bad-ass Jeeps, and it makes me want on really bad. :p: The X is paid off, which is a big advantage to keeping it, and its already half built to my likings. If I get the right offer I'd think about it, but not sure if I want car payments.
And Brian, I wish I had Black with the Eddie Bauer trim in all honesty. I've always hated how my truck has looked on the sides, just too plain and boring. And that's the reason why I thought of photoshopping a raptor decal onto my Explorer. lol :D

Well the only reason I have been thinking about selling is my neighbors have these bad-ass Jeeps, and it makes me want on really bad. :p: The X is paid off, which is a big advantage to keeping it, and its already half built to my likings. If I get the right offer I'd think about it, but not sure if I want car payments.
And Brian, I wish I had Black with the Eddie Bauer trim in all honesty. I've always hated how my truck has looked on the sides, just too plain and boring. And that's the reason why I thought of photoshopping a raptor decal onto my Explorer. lol :D

Lots of positives to owning your vehicle outright and not having debt to worry about.

Bad ass Jeeps are nice but if you can hang with them then for the most part I'd say that's good enough...I think it's always cool being able to make the most of a vehicle despite its limitations.

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I would paint the lower door trim to help the decal look like it belongs there.

I might do that; just have to see how it looks when its on there. The color I went with is called Zinc Metallic. It's costing me $300 installed.


Its like that, but a bit more metallic like car paint.
