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Photos 3rd gen pic's

I go through girlfriends so often they don't really get the chance to complain about how much money I spend. Consequently, I end up spending too much money on said girlfriends so I have less for the ex. It's a WIN/WIN and a LOSE/LOSE :/

Sounds like your priorities are a bit out of line. Ex first "said girlfriends" last.

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What happened to your wheel back there Mr. Mike?

its actually Mr. Mark :D There is a nail in the tire and we hadn't gotten around to patching it yet, so I threw the spare on just to be safe about tire psi :thumbsup:

haha no worries man!

Same year, and edition. Not bad..


Nice lookin Ex you have there Daniel!!

Ready for another weekend trip :D

You took the pic from that side so we won't see the spare again :D lol

keep a watch on craigslist for your wheels.... I guarantee you eventually you'll find a set for cheap or someone trying to get rid of one wheel that matches up with yours for cheaper....

I found an explorer stock set for $200 in Massachusetts (where I reside) and my buddy picked up a later model set in Georgia (where he resides) of jeep wheels for his cherokee for only $100!

You took the pic from that side so we won't see the spare again :D lol

haha actually we got that tire fixed! :D
And changed up the set up with the canoe and kayak
*sorry for sun glare :thumbdwn:

All this kayak talk makes me want to post the picture of my kayak on the Ex from a few weeks ago...

keep a watch on craigslist for your wheels.... I guarantee you eventually you'll find a set for cheap or someone trying to get rid of one wheel that matches up with yours for cheaper....

I found an explorer stock set for $200 in Massachusetts (where I reside) and my buddy picked up a later model set in Georgia (where he resides) of jeep wheels for his cherokee for only $100!

speaking of EX is sadly up for sale. Who knows if I'll get any takers but being forced to sell for now:splat:

Triton8273 said:
Either you kayak at the same spot each time or that's the pic you posted right before you straight piped your exhaust.

I SAID it was from a few weeks ago.... Although I do kayak there pretty often. There's a mile long dirt trail that almost nobody knows about that leads straight to a beautiful beach/fishing spot. It's only supposed to be used by Florida wildlife commission trucks for "nature stuff", but they never use it.

look good. but i will buy last one tire 265/75/16




02' 4.0 4wd 255/70/16 Cooper Discoverer HTP's, Philips Crystal Vision bulbs

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Clay mud



my friend

1995 f150 4x2

2001 f150 4x4

all ford :thumbsup:

