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Photos 3rd gen pic's

X2 on the great pic's! WOW!!!

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Those pics make me want to go to Moab :D Next year....I will.

Positive thinking mate, good to see. Moab has some gnarly trail's by the look's. Big time fun time!

Some off roading, some street pics.




Real nice mate!!!

I dont have the pictures so you will have to take my word for it. The ex has had her first complete wash in months I had to take off all of that Ohio mud now that I am back in Ny. ;) She looks mighty pretty

Just a little something i did for fun.....all patterns

Plus lights!


Is anyone else getting these annoining gumgum ads poping up on all the photos. How do you get rid of them.......

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gregor those look awesome!!!!

X2 Awesome mate!!! Twice as good as K.I.T.T.

haha thanks guys

Didn't have all the tools in to do the gear swap this weekend :( But I did manage to modify and reinstall my brush guard to work with the body lift :thumbsup: Best part is that it allowed me to put my tow hooks back on too!

Got 4 100W offroad lights mounted on there too...still need to finish the wiring.

Will post pics tomorrow and beamshots soon after that.

Didn't have all the tools in to do the gear swap this weekend :( But I did manage to modify and reinstall my brush guard to work with the body lift :thumbsup: Best part is that it allowed me to put my tow hooks back on too!

Got 4 100W offroad lights mounted on there too...still need to finish the wiring.

Will post pics tomorrow and beamshots soon after that.

Cant wait to see the pics. :popcorn:

Unfortunately my phone is my only camera





Your phone camera does a damn good job, pic's came out sweet!

Looking forward to your photo's too Ronin, bonus about the tow hook's!!!

thanks guys! wish i wouldve dished out the money for 285s instead of 245s

Very nice Kazer! :thumbsup: Your Ex looks awesome!

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