4.0 Rebuild Kit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 Rebuild Kit


Well-Known Member
December 23, 2007
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City, State
Champaign, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Eddie Bauer
I am interested in rebuilding the 4.0L engine in my 94 Explorer Eddie Bauer. Are there any comprehensive kits out there?

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When we rebuilt ours, we didn't find a kit.. It was actually cheaper to buy the sets of gaskets than it was to get an engine gasket set.. especially since we used Ford intake manifold and valve cover gaskets. The ford ones are rubber, all the aftermarket ones were cork..

The only things we didn't change were timing chaing/gears, cam and lifters.. as far as I can remember we replaced everything else...

For rocker arm assemblies and push rods we went through deltacams.. The rest I got through my local parts house (not autozone/checker/murrays etc).


Save yourself the grief and time and get a Motorcraft Long block. I put one in over the summer and now my 91 Runs like a raped ape and gets 18-20 mpg.

The Motorcraft long block wound up being about $300 less than getting all the pieces, parts and machine work. All it took was a weekend to swap out motors. I would have had to wait 2 weeks to get my machine work done.

Thats another option.. and I would look into it.. We had a spare motor so I just freshened up the spare motor.. (hence no new cam or timing parts)..


That sounds like the best option. Is the long block something I would get from the dealership or can I get it from a place like rhino engines?

You would have to get a motorcraft distributor such as the dealership, if you buy one from anywhere else they most likly bought it from the closest dealer or its not a motorcraft. Motorcraft has strict guidlins when it comes to there engines, not so much with there other parts.

just wondering ...how much would a long block from ford cost ? does it differ from dealership to dealership or do they all have set prices ?

That sounds like the best option. Is the long block something I would get from the dealership or can I get it from a place like rhino engines?

You need to get it from a ford distributor or dealership. I used Van Bortel, they have the best price. Here is there link Van Bortel Ford. Only FORD/MOTORCRAFT authorized dealers and distributors.

Before I got my engine, I did extensive research on all the major engine re-builders I found on the net. NONE could compare with factory rebuilds. Ford has MUCH higher standards and puts all NEW OEM parts in a remanufactured engine.

just wondering ...how much would a long block from ford cost ? does it differ from dealership to dealership or do they all have set prices ?

Mine was around $2200 form Van Bortel. Most of the dealers in my area were quoting $2600-$2800. Ironically, the highest quote came from Sanderson Ford in Phoenix, they are the biggest dealer in AZ I figured they would have the best price. Go Figure:rolleyes::rolleyes:.

mmm'yeah :shifty_ey....i think that when the time comes i'll just find a low mileage used motor and do a freashing up on it lol ....new gaskets,main seal ,etc...

After working on my ex this weekend I think I will be able to put off the engine swap for quite a while. It had some pretty bad carbon knock and was running really rough. I put knew plugs and wires in it (one wire was hanging by a thread of insulation...eek). I also did a seafoam treatment. That helped a lot. While doing the seafoam treatment I found a vacuum leak. It runs like it did when I got it.

Save yourself the grief and time and get a Motorcraft Long block. I put one in over the summer and now my 91 Runs like a raped ape and gets 18-20 mpg.

The Motorcraft long block wound up being about $300 less than getting all the pieces, parts and machine work. All it took was a weekend to swap out motors. I would have had to wait 2 weeks to get my machine work done.
where did you find the Motorcraft Long Block? Do you have a part number ny chance?
