4.0 V6 starts but won't stay running | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 V6 starts but won't stay running


New Member
May 26, 2024
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City, State
Jacksonville, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer SLT 4.0 V6
I have a 2000 Ford Explorer 4.0 V6 that starts runs for about 10 seconds and instantly cuts off. The engine doesn't stumble as it does from a clogged filter or anything like that, it just cuts off as if it loses power.

OK updating. Sometimes after it cuts off it won't start back. Definitely sounds electrical to me but I'm not 100% sure.

Anyone have any insight for me?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated

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Does the theft light go off while cranking the starter?

Did you have a check engine light before this?

A 2000 explorer v6 was available with two different 4.0 engines the ohv and the sohc do you know which one you have?

The engine starts runs for a few and then just completely shuts off like if you turned the key off, correct?

You don’t lose dash power just the engine

Does the theft light go off while cranking the starter?

Did you have a check engine light before this?

A 2000 explorer v6 was available with two different 4.0 engines the ohv and the sohc do you know which one you have?

The engine starts runs for a few and then just completely shuts off like if you turned the key off, correct?

Does the theft light go off while cranking the starter?

Did you have a check engine light before this?

A 2000 explorer v6 was available with two different 4.0 engines the ohv and the sohc do you know which one you have?

The engine starts runs for a few and then just completely shuts off like if you turned the key off, correct?

You don’t lose dash power just the engine
Theft lights stays on while cranking, Had no check engine, OHV 4.0 V6. Yes it acts like I just turned the key off.
It didn't start yesterday and then it started today, ran for about 10 seconds and cut off, started again right after that ran for about 10 seconds and cut off and now won't start at all

Do fuel pressure test.

The theft light is to go off while cranking

Staying on tells me the computer has no idea the engine is cranking

Crank sensor is suspect so is cam synchronizer

/\ I thought it was suppose to flash while cranking if there was an issue....guess that's just related to anti-theft related mechanisms......too lazy to go out in front and try it out.... sorry Jamie ....

The theft light is to go off while cranking

Staying on tells me the computer has no idea the engine is cranking

Crank sensor is suspect so is cam synchronizer
OK Thanks I'll look into those :)

Rapid Flashing while cranking means the pats system has an issue and if you wait 90’seconds it will start to flash a trouble

No flash and a solid light tells us the pcm does not know the engine it turning w the starter, this points to a crank sensor or cam synchro

The cranks sensors job in life is to tell the pcm engine is turning then the cam synchro is used to adjust the timing when it begins to crank
