4.0? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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August 18, 2007
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Los Angeles, California
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'93 4x4
this wont happen for me anytime soon.

but when i have a budget saved for my explorer i will put a 5.0/4r70w in.

so then ill have a 4.0 engine that i may want to use in the b2 for a little bit more power

i know the b2 is around 1000lbs lighter than a first gen explorer. or at least think i know. the 4.0 is fun in the explorer for me. im not expecting a rocket i know its still an OHV v6 haha

were you guys happy with the 4.0 swaps that you did?

i tried to do a search on here and i found a little bit of talk of the 4.0 swap but not a lot of feedback...

thanks guys

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but the 4.0 in the b2 will make it move...period.My buddy jeremy has a 4.0,5 speed tcase and axle's from a 93 x and his books.with a 4 inch skyjacker lift.he hits 80 like it nothing, and that sucker pulls a trailor all the time.
Offroad its a swamp thing,ripping an roaring threw the muck.Sine both our obd1 system it should bbe fairly easy i believve it's all plug and play.Check out 410fortune and rookieshooter's b2 log.they both have done the swap.You will not need the x axle's,but it's a hell of a upgrade when all you have to really do is switch the perch's on the 8.8 to soa.

.Check out 410fortune and rookieshooter's b2 log.they both have done the swap.
They both did 5.0/302 swaps, not 4.0 swaps.
Depends what year the B2 is. 2nd gen it's just a matter of swapping the whole wiring harness along with the engine, 1st gen is more involved and there's a couple ways to do it depending if you want to keep your original dash or make the 2nd gen dash fit along with the whole wiring harness.

hey come on you must be ill-informed, or you always want to be right on any subject, captain correct'o.The fact that 410 had a 4.0 before the 5.0 is in his first post.de dah de...but your right rookie shooter didnot do a 4.0 conversion im sorry freeridejunkie, i meant copycat and 410fortune.

its an 87 bronco2

the explorer is a 93 with 102K on it but the engine is in great shape and the 4x4 works

i was thinking since my explorer is actually going to be a project truck i could pull the engine/tran and D35ttb to use on the B2 sooner than later....

and then just garage my explorer.

i might have some mental issue but i couldnt find info on the 4.0 swap, just the 5.0

but you guys say its the same front half as the explorer so will the 4.0 bolt in with explorer engine mounts?

i dont think it will get big tires for a while so ill probably leave the stock rear end for a while, its not hard at all to find an 8.8 and flip the perches anyways


I haven't done the swap yet but I will in the next few months. Everything you're planning should be bolt in based on multiple articles I've read on other BII sites. The biggest hassle will be dealing with the wiring.

ya i am actually kind of excited because i can use my explorer as a doner vehicle haha....so i should have everything i need.

just got to try andmake sure i have everything to do it so i can do a complete swap in a quick amount of time hahaha

here is something great

the little shift gear thing in the t-case in the bronco 2 got all screwy but my explorer t-case works!! so ill have 4wd and 4lo! woot!

it probably wont happen for a little while....just need to save up for some funds.

a month maybe?

ill make sure to take pics and stuff, to show the swap
