4.56 gears | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.56 gears


Active Member
September 10, 2008
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93 limited 4in.sus3in.bod
lookin for 4.56 gears front and rear for my 93 explo. wonderin what is a good place to get them

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welcome red

I buy alot of stuff from SummitRacing.com.

Eric Auto Parts - EX Forum Sponsor

Send Eric an email and he will work with you. His email is ericautoparts@AOL.com. You can also search the website for more information about gears from him. I recommend him because I emailed him about some gears and he told me to hold off until I completed my lift and had my tires on. He thought I might not need to spend the money = Not just trying to sell me something!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:

No No No. Don't buy anything from 4WP, they suck in general.

I buy a lot of stuff from them and have never had a problem. They have an excellent tire warranty that even covers trail damage. Including the purchase price of the gears they are charging me less than a grand to install my 4:56s.

I knew i could do the rear axle no problem but the front was iffy so i'm just having them do it all. If i knew i could do the front for sure i would have bought my gears from Randys Ring and Pinion.

I buy a lot of stuff from them and have never had a problem. They have an excellent tire warranty that even covers trail damage.

Not that i'm doubting you, but i'd really like to see them honor that warranty. They are the ones i have doubts about.

I buy a lot of stuff from them and have never had a problem. They have an excellent tire warranty that even covers trail damage. Including the purchase price of the gears they are charging me less than a grand to install my 4:56s.

I knew i could do the rear axle no problem but the front was iffy so i'm just having them do it all. If i knew i could do the front for sure i would have bought my gears from Randys Ring and Pinion.
Wait till you do have a problem, you will hate them afterwards.

Wait till you do have a problem, you will hate them afterwards.

I burned up a winch and they replaced it no questions asked. They even paid postage for the new one and i had less than a week turnaround. I also cut a sidewall on one of my buddies boggers being a retard and the replaced it for him without a problem.

My 4 wheel parts may be an exception though because the manager is a member of rrorc and they support a lot of local fabricators and shops.
