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well the clarification wouldn't have occurred if you wouldn't have spoke about it, but hey my name is College STUDENT because I will be learning stuff my entire life

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but hey my name is College STUDENT because I will be learning stuff my entire life

I don't think anyone is ever done learning :p: Especially when it comes to vehicles. They introduce something new everyday. :)

Yeah and it doesn't help that I wanna stay in that field.

NHarris said:
I don't think anyone is ever done learning :p: Especially when it comes to vehicles. They introduce something new everyday. :)

Unless you're name is Ronin8002... THEN you know everything :D

bummer man! What happened?

Extremely severe hailstorm, had some dents the size of my fist. i was actually driving my dad to his work to pick up my moms car when it happened, and i just happened to be in one of the worst spots...:( oh well, atleast now i have a 4x4!

College student, i was planning on buying it back and rebuilding, but they wanted $3,500 so i said forget that, i'll just buy a shiny used car.

lol i understand completely, my parents bought back our 98 after i totaled it my senior year, but i wanna build a truxplorer

Extremely severe hailstorm, had some dents the size of my fist. i was actually driving my dad to his work to pick up my moms car when it happened, and i just happened to be in one of the worst spots...:( oh well, atleast now i have a 4x4!

College student, i was planning on buying it back and rebuilding, but they wanted $3,500 so i said forget that, i'll just buy a shiny used car.

Thats sucks man :(. were you able to salvage any of the accessories you had put on? (ie..if you were able to keep your tail light guards and don't want them I would buy them from you)





my ex when i 1st bought it. has a few things done to it now tho.

i need to replace my driver side taillight. now i was thinking should i buy a new stock one or just buy some nice looking after market one? and if after market any siggestions? ty

i know :( lol i need to get moveing on it but its hard for me to do much cus im a firefighter and i need my ex in one piece most of the time :( lol been wanting to do my cluster lights for almost a month now but cant pull it apart cus i dont have time and i cant take the chance but i love the work so i guess its part of what i gotta deal with. o and any ideas what i should do to it ? lol mod wise dosnt matter to me any sugestion is good

Here's an updated picture:





i know :( lol i need to get moveing on it but its hard for me to do much cus im a firefighter and i need my ex in one piece most of the time :( lol been wanting to do my cluster lights for almost a month now but cant pull it apart cus i dont have time and i cant take the chance but i love the work so i guess its part of what i gotta deal with. o and any ideas what i should do to it ? lol mod wise dosnt matter to me any sugestion is good

Black headights w/black corners (orange reflectors)
Some 17" EB wheels with a larger tire

What look do you want? Off Road or Street?

Nate, I like the vinyl wrap idea you're going to have done, it looks awesome. I always was curious about how that would look on an Explorer. It's going to look really good on yours especially with that color choice. Looking forward to seeing it done!

want an offroad look :) and i was gonna order some black healights with corners but never got around to it lol that and i wasnt sure what theyed look like with the gold lol

yea i was thinking of buying clearance lights i had some on my old ranger. only thing i wasnt sure of it how big of a pain theyed be to install because of the OHC thats in there .and i forgot i could paint them myself :) ty

made this from my roof rack thing. yay or nay? lol


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made this from my roof rack thing. yay or nay? lol


I think it'll look good! Especially if you plan on building up the rest of the truck aswell, for example larger tires, lift, etc.. Are those Hellas?
