4" Front Spring Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4" Front Spring Question


Moderator Emeritus
May 3, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Smithville/Austin, Tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
08' Suzuki SX4
I have asked this question on another board, so I'll bring it over here with my question and one that was asked in the same thread:

SVO asked:

So what would happen if I put 4" springs in the Navajo, with 5deg. ecentrics??

Another question by a member:

what the hell is 5deg. ecentrics?

SVO's reply:

It allows you to adjust +/- camber.
Stock it's either non-ajustable or only 3deg.

Basically it's an upper ball joint that has an off-center point bushing that can be turned to allow for positive and/or negitive camber settings to properly aline the wheel for proper tire wear and handling charachteristics.

Without these, installing 4" spings might push the wheels (TTB arms) down at such an angle that there would be too much positive camber ( \ / ) that you would get twitchy handling and horrible outside tire wear, but with the escentric you would be able to adjust camber setings where you could at least get a "0" deg camber (strtaight up and down ) setting to keep tire wear to a minimum, where as you really need just a smidge of negitive camber ( / \ ) to get controllable/predictable handling and good tire wear.

I guess what I was looking for is can I skate around on a budget and buy these springs that have been offered to me and install them with a set of 4dr rear springs with shackles to give myself enough lift to fit 32" tires under my rig, or can I use the 96' F250 spring spacers (and my stocksprings) and rear 4dr springs and shakles to get approximately 2" of lift to fit the 32" tires under there to get a estimated 4" of more ground clearance to get a better break over angle.

This is something I will need when going to Moab for the trail I have previouly run in a stock Wrangler Jeep.

As I can remember and watching the "in Jeep" vid we took, to determine that there will be some issuse about passing (getting over) about 3 certian areas that I know I will not make in my stock ride highth Navajo, remeber I'm on a serious budget right now (with medical bills and my regular bills) trying to make sure I can pull the Moab trip off.
And as soon as I get back and sell my Caddy I can afford to go out and buy the proper lift kit from Skyjacker and do it the right way.

If you or anyone you know could help in this area it would be greatly appreciated, the main reason also is that I can't get (with just the 4" spring replacement) a "0" degree camber adjustment will prolly eat the tires out either before I get to Moab or at least will prolly eat them out beofre I get back, this would make for a long suck ass trip and more monies I can't afford to spend. :\

Oh and what about shocks?
Will the stock ones work or am I just barking up a tree that I'll never get into?
