4th Gen Explorer Pictures | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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omg guys... 4th Gen Pictures! Lets not get off topic.. PM each other about the shifter..

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OMG. we have drifted offtopic (that never happens here lol) in mentioning some unique 4th gen features.

Pics are cool!

I really need to get around to making a update to this thread

just what I mean lol.

we have got a lot of snow recently so my ride is a little dirty



And now we have sub zero temps to deal with as well :D


Nice ride man! Those are definitely the tires I'm getting when I need to replace mine. I want wheels, too, but new ones are a little costly.

Looks good! Those tires have some rugged/aggressive tread. Any mods planned or done?

Looks good! Those tires have some rugged/aggressive tread. Any mods planned or done?


the truck is pretty much stock except for the radioi was thinkin og swapping the grill outwith a black ironman style one and perhaps some black headlights but ill probalby wait until the weather gets better :D

the truck is pretty much stock except for the radio i was thinkin og swapping the grill outwith a black ironman style one and perhaps some black headlights but ill probalby wait until the weather gets better :D

I don't know if you have checked out the how to thread on painting the grille, but its definately worth a look.

That grill look's bang on!! Great photo's.:thumbsup:

I thought this was my twin, but then realized your truck was a sport trac..

And i think it looks much better without the ford logo. Just sayin..
It does look good without it, but I prefer a "stock-ish" look and Ford would have put a logo on it. I did it the way Ford should have done it, IMO of course.

Stic-o said:
What did you do with the old grill
It is sitting in my garage taking up space. I was gonna throw it on Craigslist probably. I managed to break a couple of the tabs on the bottom, but nothing major.

It does look good without it, but I prefer a "stock-ish" look and Ford would have put a logo on it. I did it the way Ford should have done it, IMO of course.

I much prefer it with the logo on there. That's what I hate about aftermarket grilles, the fact that they don't have the logo. It looks much less aftermarket in a good way with the logo on, if you ask me.

I much prefer it with the logo on there. That's what I hate about aftermarket grilles, the fact that they don't have the logo. It looks much less aftermarket in a good way with the logo on, if you ask me.

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I much prefer it with the logo on there. That's what I hate about aftermarket grilles, the fact that they don't have the logo. It looks much less aftermarket in a good way with the logo on, if you ask me.

I thought this too before I got the grille and thought I would be trying to hide my truck until I got the ford logo on.. but now I think it looks way better without. I still have my stock one in my shop somewhere and I can throw it on if I want but I don't think I will now.

You need to see it in real life to understand
