4th gen Explorer red oil warning light comes on at low idle? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4th gen Explorer red oil warning light comes on at low idle?


New Member
April 19, 2011
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City, State
Montgomery, Al
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Ford Explorer XLS
At low idle my red oil light warning comes on as soon as I give it the slightest bit of gas it goes away but if I get stopped at a red light or stop sign it comes back on. I'm hoping and praying that it's nothing serious and it's just a switch does anyone know where the oil pressure switch is located on 4th gen V6?

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I have no particular experience with your problem - but if the light goes off with increased RPM then you have a serious issue. There is no easy solution - I would not blame the sensor in this case.

What have you checked??

The first thing I checked was my oil level. Which was good. I had just changed it a week before this happen. I was hoping it wasn't anything serious, there was no knocking, rattling, or rough idle. I decided to replaced the oil pressure switch with success. Now the light is gone. Thank God. Problem corrected!

What oil filter did you use. A poor oil filter can cause this sort of thing. I stick to name brands myself and use Wix if not OEM. Wix #51372 in this case.

Otherwise its worn engine. How often do you change your oil?

Personally, I’d want to check pressure with a known good mechanical gauge ASAP, just to confirm, good or bad
