4x4 motor replaced... still broken? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4x4 motor replaced... still broken?


My "Jeep Thing" itches...
September 19, 2002
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Sport
Ok im confused. My friend was having trouble with his 4wd engaging randomly and getting stuck in 4 wheel. His lights would flash sometimes.. but when they flashed he wasnt stuck in 4wd.

Theres two common remedies that ive researched : speed sensor and bad 4x4 shift motor.

In all the threads ive read about the speed sensor everyone just talked about flashing lights and nothing about the truck engaging 4 wheel on its own and getting stuck in it... so i figured maybe they were both problems..

We replaced the shift motor.. all was fine for a few weeks and now its doing the same exact thing.

Would the speed sensor cause this too?

-4x4 engaging (no lights indicated on dash, can feel it and hear it while turning,

-Lights blinking while driving once in a while

-Disconnect battery and let sit for 15 minutes.. doesnt work.

-Replaced (not cleaned) 4x4shift motor. Didnt work.

Yea so im lost.... Dealer?

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The T-case is engaged w/ a clutch for 4 Hi, so the shift motor would be at fault, it only switches from 4 Hi to 4 Lo. I would take it somewhere when the lights are blinking and see what the code is telling you.

yea... we'll have to do that when he comes home from school again. Im praying its a defective motor we put in.

Sorry, that was a typo, I posted that in a hurry. I meant to say that it shouldn't be the shift motor's fault. When you switch from 4auto to 4 Hi the shift motor doesn't do anything, the T-case just engages the clutch in the t-case to lock in the front axle. The motor only switches it from 4Hi to 4lo.

The shift motor on mine isn't working, I can still switch to 4Hi no problem, it just doesn't do anything when I try to put it in 4lo. So it's probably the speed sensor. Sorry for the messup.

mine has a simmilar problem come to think of it...

Sounds like speed sensors. His PCM / GEM is telling his TOD clutch to lock up for some reason. If you cant replace the speed sensors right now or find out what the exact problem is, do the brown wire mod to temporarily fix it.
