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4x4 questions?


Explorer Addict
October 15, 2008
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va beach
Year, Model & Trim Level
92explorer&94 ranger
is there a gear ratio difference in 4x4 hi and 4x2?i know there is one for 4x4 low.i dont have front locks so i was wondering if i can put it in 4x4 hi or low just for the extra torque

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It is the same ratio between 4x4 high and 4x2 and I haven't done this on a ford but I have on a toyota with no problem's.

Really?it feels like there is a difference. So would it be ok if i use 4x4 low with the front locks off.i have auto hubs but they were making all kinds of noise so i took the guts out and put them back on.i just really wanna know so if i need to tow someone out i could use the torque.

Yeah i'm pretty sure 4x4 high and 4x2 high run the same ratio, just like 4x4 low and 4x2 low would be the same ratio. Pulling/towing someone out shouldn't be an issue 'cause everything (4x4 system is working) it's just your hub's are free wheeling.

So what im saying is when i press the little button on the dash that says 4x4 high the ration doesnt change till i press the 4x4 low.i understand that the ration doesnt change just because i unlock the front,im wondering if it does from going to 2wheel to 4x4 high

Pretty sure they stay the same mate, they felt the same in my old troop carrier and the ford feel's the same.

Ok thanks.probably use 4x4 low anyways if i have to

No worries, once in awhile to help someone out won't hurt. I used to engage 4x4 low with the hub's out as a back up handbrake when parking on really steep hill's, perfect fail safe.:):thumbsup:

Do you know what the ratio is for 4x4 low? I have 4.88s if that matters

The low range geears are in the transfer case. When you push the low range button, it shifts the transfer case to low range. The Differentials never change gears. And also the transmision on mine stays in 1st gear when the transfer case is in low range.

The low range geears are in the transfer case. When you push the low range button, it shifts the transfer case to low range. The Differentials never change gears. And also the transmision on mine stays in 1st gear when the transfer case is in low range.
I think both of us know this.i built my axles.

So high is no difference than regular 2 wheel,just activates the front wheel?


So high is no difference than regular 2 wheel,just activates the front wheel?
and the light comes on -- on your dash of course :)

Ha one would hope and wish those lights came on!!

The difference on a first gen, and other similar TTB Fords, can be felt between 4x2 and 4x4 HI because when 4WD is engaged, the front axle has a slight difference and "pulls" the rear end...which is why these types of 4WD systems need to "slip" and should never be used on dry pavement or on surfaces with plenty of traction, since the front axle will eventually "wind up" and then bind and break if the front wheels never get to slip or break loose.

Without working hubs, and having a front axle that never engages, 4x4 LO is essentially 4x2 LO, just with the transfer case engaged to make it happen. You might still feel a difference just because of the additional drivetrain friction with the transfer case engaged and parts moving around.

You can certainly use 4x4 LO in any vehicle just for the extra torque when pulling someone out. It's usually a better option than trying to do it in 2WD or 4x4 HI.

You should probably get some working used auto hubs, or just convert to manuals.

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Thanks for the advice but a good start would be matching gears!!;)
