5.0 Header Problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 Header Problems


New Member
May 5, 2003
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City, State
San Diego, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT
Hi everyone,

I am having MAJOR problems finding headers for my '99 Explorer. Right now I have a exhaust manifold leak and wanted to change to a header and put on an exhaust at the same time.

I need some serious help.... I appreciate any info you guys can give me.

~ Scott

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They don't make em anymore, ford discontinued them not too long ago. Summit carried them but they sold out a couple mopnths ago. I bought the 2nd to last set. You may still find em if you call around at enough dealers that may have had some sittin on the shelf. No aftermarket headers exist for it though, only thr ford motorport ones. Good luck.

... and to add, even if you do find them they will be for the GT-40 heads and not the GT-40p's like you have. they will work fine, but you will have to have a bung welded on them for the EGR tube.

I've been offered a deal on a lot of stuff for the motor. Basically a setup that was used on another explorer motor and they put on 351 heads, some big cam, and a whole kit, anyways, the setup offered ran a 12.2 on a 94 Stang.

If i put on those 351 heads, then i would be available to different headers, correct? Maybe some longtubes, that would be nice....only thing is, what would fit???J

There is no magic to 351W heads. The header bolt pattern and the port location is in the same spot. The only heads that will change port location on a windsor engine (302/351) are TFS high ports or Yates - Brodix may have one. Regardless, these will not allow you to run another header.

The problem with the late explorers/rangers is the frame - specifically the upper rear a-arm mount. All off the shelf headers blow through the mount or the frame.

The only option is custom and they are $800+. I planned to go the custom route, but have decided to do them myself and use the cash for other options (twin-screw blower, heads, etc.).
