5.0 into 96 XLT 2wd | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 into 96 XLT 2wd


April 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Cincinnati, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT
Hey guys, my X has got 132k on it, and I am seeing a little more slip in my transmission. (It's lasted this long by being babied). Looking toward the future, can I do a 5.0 swap and leave off the AWD stuff? Weren't all 5.0 explorers AWD? How much front transmission stuff would I have to replace to go 4WD?


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In 96 they built explorer's with the V8, so your conversion is actually pretty easy, just buy a complete donor :)

Yes all 5.0L explorer's were either AWD or 2wd

If your 96 is 4x4 and you want to keep 4x4 you will need to use a different transfer case, nothing to do with the front suspension.

Take your time, Do it once, do it right and enjoy life...

samrebel said:
Hey guys, my X has got 132k on it, and I am seeing a little more slip in my transmission. (It's lasted this long by being babied). Looking toward the future, can I do a 5.0 swap and leave off the AWD stuff? Weren't all 5.0 explorers AWD? How much front transmission stuff would I have to replace to go 4WD?


The answer to your question: Weren't all 5.0 explorers AWD? The answer is NO. They were offered in both AWD and 2WD. Plan ahead with the direction you want to go. Find a complete '96 or early '97 2WD donor vehicle. The '96 and early '97 had the same exact engine (5.0 V8 with GT40 heads and internal EGR) and would be more compatable with your present vehicle systems.

Ford integrated a lot of the AWD and 2WD front end parts. Things like spindles are the same. It's much easier when you have the correct donor vehicle right next to you when doing the change over.

You can also use the Mercury Mountaineer from those years with the same caution on the '97 model. If anyone has any questions on whether the Mercury Mountaineer was made in '96 please refer to the following:


It came out very late in the production year, but they did sell them as '96 models.

If you decide to retain the AWD, you should change everything affiliated with the 5.0 V8, transmission w/transfer case, forward differential, etc.). Make sure you get an AWD donor vehicle for that exact purpose.

Line your ducks up, do it right and don't forget to order your Torque Monster Headers without the EGR bunk on the passenger side header. You'll have a really neat vehicle when completed. All the Best.

Bob Pasquale
Tech Performance & Engineering
Torque Monster Headers
:thumbsup: :burnout:

Bob: That's a fantastic article on the V8 Mountaineer, I'll have to bookmark it for future refereance.


410 is correct, the front axle, suspention, etc are mostly the same on 4x4 and AWD models. The AWD's came with 3.73 gears, and stiffer torsion bars.

Since the the AWD system is all mechanical, the electronics for the 2wd and awd V8 explorers are identical, and don't control a transfer case, which leaves room for several different t-case options.

As has been said, the best bet is to get a donor vehicle, and do lots of research before spending $$ and digging in.

More questions

Hey guys, a few more questions. One, I just bought all new Moog 2wd front end parts (balljoints, tie rod ends, etc.) for my 2wd, can I use them if I go 4wd? Also, is the V-8 swap basically plug and play, or do I have to splice harnesses, swap out radiator, coolant overflow tank/windshield washer tank, brake booster, etc.? If the donor vehicle is 4wd, can I use it in my 2wd without the transfer case, front differential, etc.? Is there a way to have dual pipes on an explorer (without hacking up the floorpan)? Finally, I think I am right that all 5.0 explorers used roller cams, can I use a flat tappet cam in it? Does any aftermarket cam manufacturer make roller cams for the 5.0?


