Wanted - 5.0 Supercharger | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted 5.0 Supercharger

Parts or services wanted

Jet Ski Puller

Well-Known Member
May 2, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Clinton, UT
Year, Model & Trim Level
'08 Sport Trac 4.6
Roots type kit in good condition.

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I saw one on racingjunk.com a couple weeks ago. It was kind of pricey.

I'm currently looking for a powerdyne kit or equivalent that I can afford if anyone has one.

^^^i know someone that wont be alive after AFN this year. place bets on how long he will live the first day. place them by the min, not the hour.

I don't want to hi-jack this thread, but is there any good guides to supercharging an explorer 5.0l? I looked around about a year ago after I bought the 2000 and I could have sworn someone was still making a whipple version out there, but I have searched and searched and haven't found anything currently being manufactured. I thought that I had read somewhere that you could use one of the 94-95 Mustang kits and get it to work, but I can't even find that.

I don't want to hi-jack this thread, but is there any good guides to supercharging an explorer 5.0l? I looked around about a year ago after I bought the 2000 and I could have sworn someone was still making a whipple version out there, but I have searched and searched and haven't found anything currently being manufactured. I thought that I had read somewhere that you could use one of the 94-95 Mustang kits and get it to work, but I can't even find that.

No worries . . . I'm looking for info as well as actual parts/kits. I contacted Kenne Bell and Vortech, and theirs for the mustang doesn't adapt to the explorer. Not to say that it couldn't be done, jut not a bolt on. They both start with a similar block, but the placement and assembly of all the exterior components/accessories is very different.

Forget pink pranks. The only color you'll be seeing at the AFN's is red. As in YOUR BLOOD. :frustrate

ROFLMAO :mattmoon:
