5.5 superlift with 33 + | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.5 superlift with 33 +


Well-Known Member
March 9, 2002
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1991, explorer xlt
for my next explorer i want to put a 5.5 superlift on it but can i only run 33's with that, i would think it could fit 35 or 34 at least. is that possible

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I don't believe they make 34's. With some trimming or fiberglass fenders you can run 35's. You will be changing wheel bearing quite often if you run 35's.

<cough cough> search button <cough>

but anyways, you can fit 35's with a lot of fender trimming, but there won't be a whole lot of room left. search for a thread by Perry who is a member here that did the same thing and I think he even had pictures of how much room he had left. personally, i wouldn't go with anything over a 33 b/c that's what i'm running with the 5.5" lift and i rub the dickens out of my inner fenderwell, and that's after some minor trimming. you might want to look into a 2" body lift or shackles/spacers to give you a little more clearance if you want 35's.

EDIT: just saw that you have the 3" body lift, if you keep that you should be fine

Originally posted by Positive Vibes
I don't believe they make 34's. With some trimming or fiberglass fenders you can run 35's. You will be changing wheel bearing quite often if you run 35's.

Super swamper makes 34's. They are the only ones I know of that does though. :D

Super swamper makes 34's. They are the only ones I know of that does though.
I have seen those also. I havent seen any other brands in that size.

Trxus makes 34's.(That might be super swamper though or at least made by the same company which is Interco I beleive.)

Originally posted by Joey p.
Trxus makes 34's.(That might be super swamper though or at least made by the same company which is Interco I beleive.)

Correct ;)

does anyone have their pic of this set up with a 5.5 lift and 33's cause i wanna see how it looks

Just 5.5 or are you keeping the body lift?

just the lift this is for a totally different x

search this "post pics of your lifted truck" your bound to find what you're looking for.........

Here is 5 in. with 33's Should give you basic idea.


  • truck2.jpg
    61.2 KB · Views: 248

do u have any other angle shots

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Ok i see you dont want it public. heres mine. e-mail me and ill send you pics. svt_50@hotmail.com

get the skyjacker 6" lift and along with your bl you will be able to run 35's, not sure how wide but be sure you have good offset rims, that sould help also.

is your next x a 1st gen?

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i dont have it yet but im jsut planning on the next one.
i dont think img onna got hat high so ill prolly just go with the 5.5and 33's
