5.5" Superlift write-up? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.5" Superlift write-up?


Moab Edition Explorer
March 27, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Ft. Collins, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XLT
Does anyone know where I could find a 5.5" Superlift write-up or instructions?

Any tips, hints, about installing?


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i think youd have to be more specific with tips and hints... cause theres alot youll run into.

I could help you on particular things, but I don't think I could help on step by step..I hardly even knew what was going on :confused:

i did everything myself...... i could help you out... hey twotoned get any pics of that lifted x yet?

I got a few in thread in Everything Under the Sun...mattadams and joe93 got some pics...lemme find the link real quick

Here it is:

Dead Link Removed

oh yeah, i've seen that beast. and yet again i'll tell you that it's a beautiful rig :thumbsup:

yeah, my shocks and alignment are driving me nuts right now. btw, did you get the alignment shims when you got your alignment?

oh youll definatly need the shims.... and most shops will tell you... . " well never get it into specs.... blah blah blah " with the shims and all mine lined up perfect in specs..... what did you do with your steering? keep it stock or superrunner? i would get it alligned up ASAP cause the wheels like that put tons of stress on the spindels.... and you dont wanna be stripping those .... hey IM me.... on AIM snowrider17 we can talk.
