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How to: 5R55W transmission servo piston removal

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i was thinking about my rear wheel making noise.last time i looked at parking brakes,liners came off the steel.i put 3 liners in the trash,put it back together.maybe the last liner came off and is laying in the drum.
my modified servo piston is working perfect.bore is worn.
don`t know whats making noise in dash.

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is there any garage that will just replace these servos? I took mine to a local tranny place & he want to rebuild my tranny instead of just replacing these servos. I have this problem for a while now & my Explorer is drivable. It just misses when it hit the high gear.

is there any garage that will just replace these servos? I took mine to a local tranny place & he want to rebuild my tranny instead of just replacing these servos. I have this problem for a while now & my Explorer is drivable. It just misses when it hit the high gear.

I would say do it yourself. I did and it was pretty straight forward. any mechanic can do it also. That tranny shop sounds like a place everyone should stay away from. They seem to want to rape everyone if that's the case. Did you confirm it's a broken servo?

i have the 4R44E transmission in a 99 ford ranger. i have a leak at the OD Servo and was trying to figure out if I have replace the whole servo or if I can just replace the seal. I usually do my own work on the truck but I dont want to screw up the tranny.

Hi I'm working on a 5r55s tranny the o clip on the im servo popped halfway out and leaked all the fluid. I have done a lot of research and am going to replace the servo but because of the clip, the cap is ****ed in the bore. There is no way to grab anything on the cap to pull it out. I have hammered it to where it's finally moving but I still cannot get it out. Are there any tricks that someone might have for getting the cap off?

Hi I'm working on a 5r55s tranny the o clip on the im servo popped halfway out and leaked all the fluid. I have done a lot of research and am going to replace the servo but because of the clip, the cap is ****ed in the bore. There is no way to grab anything on the cap to pull it out. I have hammered it to where it's finally moving but I still cannot get it out. Are there any tricks that someone might have for getting the cap off?

you have to drill and sleeve the bore You may want to take it to a professional

Looks like a winner.

Has anyone tried this guys fix?

A pretty big price bump from the stockers but wondering if it is worth it.

Yea it's a big bump alright. I tried one today, but it broke at the weep hole when installing it, poop. When I opened mine up he piston was busted through. I'm guess the band was too tight.

If anyone knows of another reason this may have happened post a link or just reply.

I'll just buy a stock one and groove it at work now that I have the measurements for the groove. (I'm a machinist)

Just to be clear it WAS NOT the modification that caused the break.

At 211 K/miles I will sing heir praise if it does the trick. PS the tranny has been regularly serviced by the dealer until about 1.5 years ago.

If in fact it does the trick I will probably make a bushing when it finally fails. I'm thinking out of something a little tougher than the brass Ford uses when they do it. Maybe From some 302 stainless. That will last a long time.

03 Explorer

Hi! I'm new here. I see this is a relatively old thread, but found it useful thus far. My problem is that I just replaced the transmission in my 03 explorer with one purchased from a junk yard. I wish I had found this site first, as I see my old one as having similar problems as discussed (let off pedal to shift from first gear and blinking "OD" light). The issue now with the newer transmission, although it shifts to every gear, is that it seemingly shifts out too quickly. It also hesitates before going into gear from park to drive or reverse, but once engaged, drives fine (aside from the quick shifting around 2k-ish rpm). I believe I've done the fluid check correctly, but would love to get a bit more direction as I'm not a transmission guy. Also, I do plan to tear the old one apart, just to get some experience with putting it back together for fun.

Thanks in advance!

Homemade Piston Mod

After reading many of the excellent posts about the 1-2 flare / no OD issue, I decided to have a go at the Piston fix.
I'm far too tight to buy a modified piston, so using the attached sketch and (2) 1.5mm x 9.7 ID Nitrile rubber o rings I'm modifying my own piston. It's being machined today and fitted over the weekend. I'll post an update when I know if it worked.
