5th shock? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5th shock?


Well-Known Member
February 9, 2011
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City, State
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer Limited SOHC
believe me, i try to search the forum for the info i am looking for, sometimes i just cant find it...

i did read that there was a 5th shock on the explorers? was this only for certain years? I cant say i saw one under my truck...

what years? where is it located?


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ok so i saw the link that JCat posted. I have a 1999 xplorer XLT and it has 5 shocks also. When i bought it, she needed new ball joints and shocks. The shop only replaced 4 shocks. me not knowing that it had 5. So i dont think they will replace the 5th unless you suggest
Better picture of 5th shock located on the back right

you can see the main shock (glossy black) and the 5th which is the one running more horizontally

This is the first time I have heard about this. Do the 01 mountaineers have it?

Well as far as ive read, 96-99 have it. The sports do not have have. Im not sure about the SportTrac or mountaineers tho. I would imagine that the matching year Mountaineers would have them since the frame and drivetrain is the same

I'm glad this post has sparked some interest.

@fordfrystak... by the looks of your picture, it looks like your shock should probably be replaced, and probably the same on most of our trucks.

I've read in some other threads that people remove them completely, but in general it all depends on the individual explorer. My vote is keep it and replace it... i love having and old (paid for) ride that feels like new. ive done quite a few repairs now since feb 2011 when i bought the vehicle and every repair is making the vehicle marginally better each time.

01 exp.xlt 4dr.

I have one on mine... auto zone did not show one.. had to go to ford.

Have one on the 01, Oreilly's cares it. Monroe Stabilizer SC2958 was 40.39 w/tax.

Since i have the V6, the absence of the track bars that are on V8's and also on the Mountaineer's any extra stabilization I can get, I'll utilize. I do a lot of towing.

Rock auto also carries it. Many catalogs also show it as a steering stabilizer or steering dampener shock.

Amazon.com has it, free shipping too. Monroe SC2958

i took mine off and threw it away, made no difference,,

Yeah, but you're in Canada Pete. :D

and what is that supposed to mean??

all my stuff under my Explorer came from Kansas,, you know,,,,

does anyone know what problem this rear shock/stabilizer is supposed to fix? i can't imagine what it can do for a vehicle w/leaf springs. but ford wouldn't have put it on there if there wasn't some problem.


as i mentioned, it seems on some vehicles, not all, and for no particular reason, this 5th shock is bennefitial. as i read, it just completely depends on the individual explorer...

im i canada, too.

it's actually a vibration damper, it keeps the rear from oscillating when moving up and down

i am sure there were copious amounts of money on the research of putting it there, just offered that i removed it is all,,

I took mine off only because I put air shocks on the back of my explorer and it would not let me blow them up with out binding.

so I ditched it!

never had a porblem with out it.

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it's actually a vibration damper, it keeps the rear from oscillating when moving up and down

thanks corkey, i think this info is helpful for everyone.
