6 door Ford truck.... ever see one? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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6 door Ford truck.... ever see one?


Elite Explorer
March 2, 2003
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1997 Mountaineer
I found a late 80's probably early 90's Ford truck with 6 full size doors. Ive never seen such a thing before. Did ford ever make that or is this a damn good body work job? I know in lacking on pics lately but ive been away for almost a week, if this is a fab job I will gets pics.

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It looks like this but alot older.


  • White6DoorSmall.jpg
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Are these from the factory?

This one wasn't. There was an obvious frame extension welded in there. Also, look at the ghetto nerf bars - they're for a crew cab, and don't go all the way back like they should.

V8BoatBuilder said:

I took this photo in Vermont.

I could use that for a work truck! :cool: Hmmm...

There was a show on the history channel about pickup trucks not too long ago. One of their features was a company that adds such pieces to stock trucks. A guy had 6 doors on his Superduty for his 7? children and wife. I wish I could find a link...

So, it looked like this?


  • Ryans-ps-6-doorb.jpg
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There used to be a few of those around town here once in a while. Except they would be Crew-Cab's with a Super-Cab attached. Pretty dang long...

Thats a lotta work (and $) for a couple extra doors. There are cowboy Caddillacs, those must be cowboy limosines.

There is a dude around here with a 4 door late 80's Bronco. He only drives it in winter. The 1st time I saw it, my doubletake almost snapped my neck! First I thought it was the bed of a Bronco tacked onto a 4 door F150 shortbed. But the body work is so good it looks factory. I cant imagine someone doing all that bodywork and then only driving it in winter!

I would love to do that to one of my explorers :)

Carnkcase's picture looks like something that was made for a utility company (based on that groovy green color).

Looks like a Redneck Limo to me!

rpenner54 said:
There used to be a few of those around town here once in a while. Except they would be Crew-Cab's with a Super-Cab attached. Pretty dang long...

I've seen a few Crew+Super Cabs around here.

Tab Benoit, who's a kick-ass guitar player and singer (if you're into blues with a bit of Cajun mixed in :D ), uses a six-door truck as a tour vehicle. He used to have a Dodge (go to this page and scroll down to see it). About a year ago he switched over to a GMC. Maybe next time he'll come to his senses and get a Ford.

LOL...I photoshopped mine....I just wanted to confirm thats what it looked like....
