6x9" or 6.5" instead of 6x8" Speakers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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6x9" or 6.5" instead of 6x8" Speakers


Explorer Addict
March 26, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 5.0, 01 4.0.
So I have a question I never thought I'd really have, I last winter bought a Pioneer radio and speaker bundle, I used the radio but never did the door speakers, because they're not 6x8 speakers, however, I managed to grenade my stock speakers, and have these just sitting, so I'm asking out before I sell these on, will either of the sizes work in the place of the stock 6x8s on a 2000 Explorer XLT?

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It wouldn't take much metal work to get the 6x9 in.

I don't want to cut on the doors or really mod the doors, since selling these wouldn't be THAT hard considering it's Christmas time again soon, plus in the offhand unlikely chance I sold the truck, I'd drop a set of stocks back in.

Pioneer has a vehicle application lookup where you can see what speakers they have that'll fit. It only shows 6x8", up to 2-3/4" depth. Crutchfield also shows only 5-1/4", 5x7, and 6x8.

I doubt you can fit larger without modding the mount and/or making/buying a bracket. However if you mod the door or bracket for a standard size 6.5 or 6x9, you can later swap in something cheaper in that size if you were to sell the vehicle.

So I decided I'd give either set a try, why not, I mean they gotta come close you'd think. They came so close, in fact, here's the eBay link if anybody wants them. https://www.ebay.com/itm/222700975487
