91 Ranger, just a FEW problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91 Ranger, just a FEW problems


Elite Explorer
July 16, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
Bought a 1991 Ranger today, $1250 :D 2.3 I4, 2wd, stick shift. Has no options, not even power steering :eek:

On to the problems/questions!
The egr valve doesn't work, so the PO blocked it off. Is it worth repairing? I'm looking for gas mileage, which the EGR valve helps correct? However the valve is $80!
Theres a big tube that runs off the intake (before the filter) to the side of the manifold. I guess this is to heat the intake for better MPG, should I find this tube or leave it off?
Driving a stick is fun and all, but hearing the exhaust is important. Any mufflers loud enough to be heard over music but doesn't sound like a riced out civic?
What should I do about the floor? It's got the rubber floor, but it's cracked and falling apart. Bedliner? New rubber floor? Carpet?

Lastly, anyone get a subwoofer behind the seat? It's a regular cab

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You are going to like it. I had a 92 XLT 2.3 5 speed I bough new and drove daily till 2005. An amp will fit but you may have to put the jack up on top of the spare to free up some room behind the seat. Not sure about the muffler cause I left mine stock but I'm willing to bet just about anything will make it sound like a ricer.

Missing the factory jack and tools :/ I'll throw a jack and lug nut wrench in the tool box when I get a spare tire that can hold air :D
Did you get a sub back there?

I just realized, the stock alt is 65 amps.... so am I gonna have problems if I use an amp pushing 150rms for the door speakers, and 200rms for the subwoofer with the high beams on? Pushing about 40amps , which leaves 25 amps for charging, EFI, and interior lights/gauges.

Sorry if I had read that post closer I would noticed you said sub woofer and not amp. No I never got a woofer back there.

forget the stereo crap till you get the motor working as best as it can,, people buy a vehicle and go all stupid on what to do with that stuff and than when it doesn't run right, they piss and moan about it,,

fix the egr it will pay back in the long run,,
it's better to have a vehicle that runs properly and drives nice and gets you around first,,

I'll fixing it, if it's worth fixing. The truck runs fine other than a rough idle when sitting in neutral.
It's getting modded/fixed at the same time :D but it drives fine for right now so mods are just as important.
