'91 stalling problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'91 stalling problem


January 29, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary, Alberta, Canada (aka, the land near the moutains!)
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Explorer 4Dr 4X4 Auto
Hi all,

My '91 Explorer has been giving me fits for the last month when I try to pull away from a stop. As I press on the accelerator, the engine will drop the RPMs to about 400, cough, sputter, and usually dies. When I restart the engine, put it in gear, the symptoms repeat making it very hard to get going again.

This morning, I had the cough-and-die, I restarted the engine, while still in neutral, reved the engine at 2000 RPM for about 15 seconds, and this seemed to let the engine "clear its thoat".

This problem happens most often when the engine is a little cool. Not stone cold (having been just started), and not when it reaches normal operating temperature. It seems to be in a transistion between having the choke on (???) and not needing the choke.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

