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92 explorer Tranny Troubles Help


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January 3, 2004
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My wife drives the Explorer on her mail route. we went to Miami and today she had to deliver. She calls me to look at the truck. when I get there I can tell the tranny is slipping so I check the fluid. it was nothing. So I go to the sotre and buy some put 1qt and 1/2 in it. It does the sliping the smoothes out only slips in 1st to 2nd. Then we got up the road it does it again. I drive it home and no Tranny fluid on the stick. Appears to be some under the vechild but not a lot where can the fluid go and do you think its a modulator valve. The truck has just had a new engine put in it.

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she did mention it cut off with her once to I'm so confused I work at a heavy truck dealearship. Its about 40miles to the place is it a good idea to fill it up with fluid and drive it to the dealership.

From the quantity of fluid I would guess the front seal is leaking between the TC and the case. In some cases, replacing just this seal can fix it. Usually it indicates some worn bushings and/or alignment problems. The seal normally doesn't have any pressure on it. The leaking bushings overwhelm it. This can be a tricky problem to solve.

I think it could be the modulator valve, but Opera House is the resident expert on these. If it were a ruptured diaphragm in the vacuum modulator there would be ATF in the vacuum line between the modulator and the intake manifold. Only takes a second to pull that hose off and see if it has ATF in it.

The oil seems over full also I just had it serviced. It looks awful then . My dilema is I need to get it to my work so I can get a good mechanic to look at it. Is it safe to drive it 40mi if I fill it with fluid and also will the tran fluid if its in the oil screw anything up?

If the motor oil seems high

That is a good indication that the vacuum modulator is leaking. It is all in the details. At least you engine is getting cleaned. The modulator can be replaced at home as well as anywhere else. Internal to the modulator is a small orifice that should keep the leaking slow. This makes the shifts a little later when it fills with fluid. I don't think that number of miles would cause a problem. You should do another oil change. Was this a used engine? Still curious about this other leak. Did the transmission have a history of leaking before the engine change?

I have had the truck for like a month maybe. Just got the title back lol. I was forced to buy it when my wifes mail car went down and I crashed my restored 1968 Bronco in the Ice.

So i don't know much history on it. I work at a Ford/ Sterling heavy truck dealership. he has a company car so he hasn't drove it much at all. It has a NEW engine in it straight from Ford he got it through our dealership. He has aat the most 7,500 on the engine. I went oout and drined some oil out of the pan and added a qt and a half fluid to it and its not slipping any mmore put doesn't seem to be changed at the right rpms.



I started out the same way and then the tranny just quit
The Vacuum modulator thing, I was told that they very rarley go bad so don't look at it. I drove mine about 40 miles each way back and forth to work every day. I am now in the process of replacing the transmission with a complete rebuild. Man it sucks!!! This is the biggest headache I have ever started!

But I have more ambition than money and I like a challenge. Good luck. Just remember band aids are not the answer. Fix it right the first time.

Trust me!!!

Good luck and god bless the Explorers of the world.
