92 low speed, accelerating squeak | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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92 low speed, accelerating squeak


Well-Known Member
July 8, 2010
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92 XLT
My 92 is squeaking from <5 mph to about 15 MPH then will quiet. New Skyjacker Hydros up front, 2 inch lift. I read something about a TSB regarding a dust shield that squeaks but it only included something like 98-01 Rangers and Explorers; no first gen mention. Do we have something like this capable of making such a noise? The squeak has been on and off recently but came back with a vengeance after about a 15 min highway cruise yesterday.

When I had the wheel off the passenger side doing the shocks I noticed the finish is being rubbed off the Mile Marker hub on that side.

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Think it might be my passenger radius arm bushing rubbing the frame. They look really damn close together from underneath.

Have you managed to get any recording of the noise?

I had squeaking/scraping noise once in our X when wheeling but it only happened when the suspension was flexed.. In my case it was the passenger front drive shaft grinding on the back of the spindle.

I'm trying to picture how the RA bushing could be touching the frame. It shouldn't be anywhere near that close. If your RA bushing is bad the RA will be higher and then it "might" be able to contact the frame but that is a side effect of the bigger issue (bad RA bushing).


one of my lower ball joints had a squeak when it went bad

U-joints will squeak when they start going bad

I replaced the back side of the radius arm bushing because I didn't have the patience for all the bolts on the bracket. That did not help. It happens when I accelerate up to about 20 mph then goes away. Squeak will "speed up", if you will, before it stops - if that makes sense. I've been reading about them being u joints on the driveshaft and am terrified.

Twas el u joints. Rear DS. Tranny end still greased. Axle end trashed. 175.5k

Unbelievably pleasant to drive again.

Replaced with lifetime spicers.
