93 1st gen tranny an t-case for a 95? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 1st gen tranny an t-case for a 95?

September 25, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Clermont fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 explorer
The only t-case i could find with a floor shifter was on a tranny off a 93 4.0 now would thatbeable to fit on my 95 i was thinking sents they are both 4.0 v6s the tranny would be the same....are they? I was wanting to know cuz every one keeps telling me if i find a t-case with a floor shifter to take it an all the parts to it cuz there geting hard to fine.....thank alot im just lost when it comes to trannys an stuff

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If it is the BW 1354M T-Case it should fit your truck. And yep those things are getting hard to find. If you don't pick it up, let me know where it is and I'll grab it...

So if you want to manually control your T-Case, go for it! I have a 2nd gen (4.0 V6 SOHC, 5R55E Trans) and swapped in at 1354E T-case with a Manual shift kit.

If it is the BW 1356M T-Case it should fit your truck. And yep those things are getting hard to find. If you don't pick it up, let me know where it is and I'll grab it...

So if you want to manually control your T-Case, go for it! I have a 2nd gen (4.0 V6 SOHC, 5R55E Trans) and swapped in at 1356E T-case with a Manual shift kit.

He'd be wanting the 1354 transfer case. Anything out of a 4.0 Ranger/Explorer will work. It's the front yoke you have to watch for on the older ones.

what do you mean the front yoke i need to look out for? So the trannt sould fit to?

So what t case should i be looking for the bw 1356M or the 1354 ?

Btw if you need a t case with the floor shift let me know cuz ill look for you one an grabe it for you cuz the place i go they only charge me 40 an the other place has more stuff an they charge 60

You want the 1354. It has a 5 bolt flange to the trans mission. The 1365 has a 6 bolt.

The 1350 is similar to the 1354 but the yoke slides out for the front driveshaft. the 1354 is fixed. Too bad you're so far away. I'd take you up on that. I can't find a 1354M around here.

Well see i need a tranny too thats why i was asking if i could take the tranny and t case off a 93 4.0 an put the tranny an t case on my 95 4.0......well if you really need on see about what it would cost to send it an we can work somthing out if u really need one

The transmission wont work, your 95 has a 4r55e transmission, and the 91-94 explorers had the A4LD trans

Good catch! I mistyped. Edited my post to show 1354 as that is what I meant. Sorry for any confusion.

He'd be wanting the 1354 transfer case. Anything out of a 4.0 Ranger/Explorer will work. It's the front yoke you have to watch for on the older ones.

The transmission wont work, your 95 has a 4r55e transmission, and the 91-94 explorers had the A4LD trans

Missed the trans part. A4LD only, 4.0 Ranger or Explorer up to '94. Smaller engines have a different bell housing.

EDIT-Wait, I'm backwards. You need the 4r55e from a '95-'96. This is what I get for venturing out of the gen 1 forums after weeks of reading.

So i can take the tranny off a 95 an the t-case off a 93 if its the 1354 .....do i have all that right?

So i can take the tranny off a 95 an the t-case off a 93 if its the 1354 .....do i have all that right?

Yes I just bolted the manual t-case up to my 99, it's a direct fit. Also make sure to get a new gasket from Ford that goes between the trans and t-case, its about 7 bucks.

Alright cool thanks alot guy ill take pic as i do the 4x4 swap an post them when im done
