93-95 recall! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93-95 recall!


Well-Known Member
September 26, 1999
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Ringwood, NJ
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'93 XLT
Has anyone else recieved a notice of a recall affecting the 93-95 year Explorer? I just got one in the mail. It has to do with the rear lift gate.

'93 XLT 4 Door 4x4
Bosch Plat+4's with SplitFire Dual Core wires and a
K&N Air Filter with a Modified Air Box

[This message has been edited by Gigantor (edited 02-17-2000).]

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This is a recall that has been out for quite some time now. I am really suprised that it took this long to get to you. I had mine fixed about 2 years ago. It is a recall, as you stated, concerning the rear lift gate. The lift cylinders on the lift gates were merely spot welded into place on the body-connected end of the cylinder. These spot welds are natorious for breaking and wreaking havoc for people or parts(including the lift gate) that are in the way. Ford as fixed this problem by riveting a reinforcement strap onto each of the body-connected mounts for the cylinders. It does not take long to do and really doesn't change the looks very much. It is not gaudy, but will definitely be an excelllent piece of "preventative" maintenance.
Hope this helps a little, take care and happy exploring!

Todd Metzger
'Off-Road and More!'
93 "Ford X 4" XLT

If its been around for 2 years then why did it take this long for me to get my notice? Ok I am the 3rd owner of this vehicle but ive had it now almsot a year.

'93 XLT 4 Door 4x4
Bosch Plat+4's with SplitFire Dual Core wires and a
K&N Air Filter with a Modified Air Box

OK, I don't think I've ever recieved this recall notice. I'm the orginal owner but have moved 4 times in 5 years. Should I just visit a Ford dealer and ask if the recall can done?

Rob Robertson
94 XLT 4X4 4 door
"It's an Explorer Thing, you wouldn't understand"

The recall is number is 99S34.

'93 XLT 4 Door 4x4
Bosch Plat+4's with SplitFire Dual Core wires and a
K&N Air Filter with a Modified Air Box

Does this affect only 93-95 models? I wouldn't want my 92's gate givin' me a wee bump on the noggin!

I just received the same recall in the mail on my explorer two days ago, and I have owned it for five years.

93" explorer sport

I received the same notice yesterday in the mail. I have owned my truck for 5 1/2 years.

Brett Grooms
94 Explorer Sport

I actually found out about this recall about a month before the notice from Ford! To get a good list of recalls on the Explorers and other veicles go to this site:
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On the recall letter it says that the defect exists in certain 93-95 models. Hope this helps.

I received a similar recall notice for my '92 two years ago. It had the same solution.

Paul Gagnon
Calgary, Alberta
"No Brain, No Pain"
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