93 Ex to 95 Ranger | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 Ex to 95 Ranger


February 18, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT, 92 Eddie Bauer
Does anyone know if the 4.0 out of a 95 Ranger is the same type of engine that was in my 93 Ex? I say was because my 93 Ex has two cracked heads and I just bought a 95 Ranger 4.0 with all wiring, computer, tranny(going from auto to stick) clutch, pedals and radiator for $350.

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I don't think the 4.0 is the same... (ohv vs sohc) I don't know about the tranny ect without model numbers.


Ok, I guess it's a good thing that I got all the wiring and the computer then.


The only difference I see is the upper intake on the 95 is made from plastic

Yes, they are the same. The heads MAY be the better 95TM heads...

EGR should be the same from 93 to 95.

It's a pretty straight forward swap.


Thanks, next question...

Next question. As I am converting this to the manual tranny, do I need to take the steering column as well? The guy is already giving me the Engine, tranny, radiator, wiring harness, an extra flywheel, extra clutch, the pedals and all required clutch stuff. Should I ask him for the steering column as well?

yea u should get the column unless you want to have two shifters:D
