93 Explorer Sport 4x4 tie rod end? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 Explorer Sport 4x4 tie rod end?


August 3, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
camillus new york
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 2dr sport.
i am new t this and cant find anything on the topic. i recently bought an explorer 4x4, the steering is really loose, and sometimes not responsive when braking. also, any size bump, or uneven road makes it rattle loudly in the front end. i was told if i could grab the bar that runs along the front it was the tie rod ends.
that bar rotates back and forth quite a bit. so is this tie rod ends or something else? what should i check? doing the work is not the problem, figuring out what it is is. im not familiar with ford, so any pointers wouls also help. thankyou.

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Welcome to Explorer front end fun!

First off get a Lifetime Alignment from Firestone as you will be needed to get it aligned a lot as you do work to fix it up!

One of the symptoms of shot radius arm bushings is rattling. Rattling can be anything on the front end though.

You should get a floor jack, 3 tons are nice to have, and jack up each side, put a jack stand in. Grab the wheel and try to move it in all directions like you got a pair. It should be tight or have very little wobble. If it's not you need to look at tie rod ends, ball joints and bearing preload. Fix accordingly. Ball joints and tie rod ends that have already been replaced at some time will have a grease zirk. Doesn't mean they aren't bad though..

Take a look at the RA bushing, they are the rubber parts that the rods coming off the front axles go into. I'm no expert on shot ones but they should look intact.

Bad shocks will make it handle very poorly. I full on recommend replacing old ones. Rock Auto is running a special on Monroe Reflex Monotubes. Don't get crappy twin tube shocks.

Last thing to look at is the steering gear mesh preload setting. It should be set correctly from the factory but if parts are worn or replaced on it it might need adjusting.


That will get you going on understanding it. Basicaly if it's to tight you'll bind up your gear and ruin it I would think. To loose and your vehicle wanders. The correct setting method for it is a PIA. Use caution and adjust slowly at your OWN risk. I adjusted mine to where the steering wheel positively starts turning the wheels in both directions. I also am probably going to replace mine soon as it leaks badly so I'm not possibly ruining a good part.

turned out.... all that rattling was just a loose shock.huh...dont care.as long as rattle is gone. now to fix the 4wd.

So you don't care about the loose, unresponsive steering as long as it's not making noise? This is a serious issue that needs to be taken care of soon.

^^times infinity!

I wouldn't drive it until the problem is diagnosed and repaired. I don't know if you have ever had steering "let go" but it's not fun, and is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!

tightend down the shock.no more rattle. passenger side tie rod shot.replaced it.steering fixed.

Welcome to Explorer front end fun!

First off get a Lifetime Alignment from Firestone as you will be needed to get it aligned a lot as you do work to fix it up!
does that cover lifted trucks or trucks with 33x12.50 wide tires though?

I don't think they care about that. The one I goto doesn't care if I do work then take it to them. It's quite a deal.
